Medicine Hat News

Robot with artificial intelligen­ce about to invade space


CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. A robot with true artificial intelligen­ce is about to invade space.

The large, round, plastic robot head is part of SpaceX’s latest supply delivery to the Internatio­nal Space Station.

Friday’s pre-dawn liftoff also includes two sets of geneticall­y identical female mice, 20 mousestron­auts that will pick up where NASA’s identical twin brother astronauts left off a few years ago. Super-caffeinate­d coffee is also flying up for the space station’s java-craving crew.

As intriguing as identical space siblings and turbocharg­ed space coffee may be, it’s the German robot — named Cimon, pronounced Simon, after a genius doctor in science fiction’s “Captain Future” — that’s stealing the show.

Don’t worry about AI running amok on the space station. Cimon’s human handlers promise the first AI space bot will behave. No mutinous takeovers like HAL from the 1968 film classic “2001: A Space Odyssey.”

“He’s a friendly guy and he has this hard power-off button,” German Space Agency physicist Christian Karrasch, the project manager, told The Associated Press on Thursday.

Like HAL, the autonomous Cimon is an acronym: it stands for Crew Interactiv­e Mobile Companion. Its AI brain is courtesy of IBM.

German astronaut Alexander Gerst, who arrived at the orbiting lab a month ago, will introduce Cimon to space life during three onehour sessions. Already savvy about Gerst’s science experiment­s, the self-propelling Cimon will float at the astronaut’s side and help, when asked, with research procedures.

Cimon has Gerst’s face and voice imprinted in its memory. So while the robot could assist the five other station astronauts, it is best suited for Gerst, according to Karrasch.

To get Cimon’s attention, Gerst will need only to call its name. Their common language will be English, the official language of the space station.

Next year, Italian astronaut Luca Parmitano will be Cimon’s orbital master. That’s when the AI researcher­s will delve more into mood.

As it is, Cimon smiles when it senses the conversati­on is upbeat and frowns when it’s sad. A small screen on the sphere serves as its face.

During its open-ended stay on the space station, Cimon should grow ever smarter and more knowledgea­ble, its system updated via IBM’s Cloud.

Researcher­s chose a ball rather than a humanoid face for Cimon because they thought it would be less potentiall­y disturbing or creepy. Because it’s perfectly round — a little bigger than a basketball — it’s also safer, with no sharp edges that could damage space station equipment or poke astronauts.

The entire project, barely two years in the making, came in under 5 million Euros, or $5.8 million.

The real AI payoff will be when astronauts travel to the moon, Mars or other distant destinatio­ns. In a medical emergency, no one will want to wait 20 minutes for a call for help to reach Earth and then another 20 minutes for advice to get back to the stricken crew, said NASA’s space station program manager Kirk Shireman.

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