Medicine Hat News

‘Mid-level’ trafficker waived to Calgary to attend drug treatment court

- PEGGY REVELL prevell@medicineha­ Twitter: MHNprevell

A Hatter characteri­zed by police as a “mid-level” drug trafficker has had her sentence waived to Calgary so she can attend drug treatment court.

Sentencing for Tameka Hazelaar was delayed until July after she entered guilty pleas in April to traffickin­g methamphet­amine, oxycodine and heroin that turned out to be carfentani­l.

The court heard Tuesday the woman had been accepted into drug treatment court program in Calgary which has a limited number of spaces.

The intensive program requires people to enter guilty pleas and accept an agreed statement of facts, then takes a minimum of one year to complete. If a participan­t fails the program — which focuses on addictions treatment, recovery, and rehabilita­tion into the community — then they sentenced on the charges.

According to the agreed statement of facts read into the record in April, on Sept. 28, police conducted surveillan­ce on a local bar as source informatio­n was that Hazelaar was selling drugs on behalf of another man who was also at the bar.

Arrests were made and police found in Hazelaar’s purse a digital scale with meth residue, dime bags and drugs packaged for sale. This included four bags of meth weighing a total of 19.48 grams, with a street value of $1,950.

Two bags of suspected heroin/fentanyl were analyzed as Carfentani­l/Caffeine and weighed .25 grams and .27 grams. Hazelaar said she was not aware this was carfentani­l until it was analyzed by police.

Five oxycodone pills were seized, as well as 0.22 grams of methamphet­amine that was for Hazelaar’s personal use.

The court heard the police felt Hazelaar was a mid-level trafficker, but also used meth and sold it to support her habit.

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