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How should businesses respond to bad reviews?


NEW YORK A bad review can easily damage the reputation of a small business. Failing to address negative social media and online posts could make it worse. recently won a case in California where an aggrieved law firm tried to force it to remove negative posts. That, the state’s supreme court ruled, would be a legal no-no. While it’s a victory for freedomof-speech advocates, many business owners say they are vulnerable to anyone who chooses to spread falsehoods because there are no consequenc­es for doing so.

There are several measures a business can take to respond to negative reviews to mitigate any potential damage.

“This is something you simply can’t ignore,” said Columbia Business School professor Jeremy Kagan. “The best defence is a good offence.”

Here are some key points for business owners:


It’s important to be proactive and have staff ask customers to post their experience. The offensive part of this strategy involves having a base of good reviews from happy customers. It’s even more important because people who are upset are usually more motivated, Kagan said.

That can leave a skewed picture of a business. A solid base of good reviews will help give a potential customer a broader view.


People want to know that the owner is profession­al and cares about fixing legitimate problems. Simple things, like saying “I’m very sorry you didn’t enjoy” the meal or product can go a long way with potential new customers checking out your reviews.

“You will often find that you’re playing to the audience, which is sort of neutral,” Kagan said.


While owners should acknowledg­e a person’s feelings, there are some issues where a factual rebuttal is necessary.

For a restaurant, this could include providing a link to a health department grade or report if somebody falsely accuses the restaurant of being unclean. For some companies, it could mean posting a statement on steps being taken to improve a product or service.

“You’re not necessaril­y going to fix an upset person,” Kagan said. “What you can do is limit the impact.”

 ?? AP PHOTO ?? This photo shows an online review of a restaurant on a screen Thursday in Portland Ore. A bad review can seriously hinder a small business’ reputation, but dealing with negative social media and online posts is now essential. “This is something you...
AP PHOTO This photo shows an online review of a restaurant on a screen Thursday in Portland Ore. A bad review can seriously hinder a small business’ reputation, but dealing with negative social media and online posts is now essential. “This is something you...

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