Medicine Hat News

Who, exactly, is inciting hatred?


Re: “Demonstrat­ors outside courthouse greet man accused of inciting hate,” Aug. 11

Apparently Mr. Hulgaard is a very bad man. He is accused of inciting hatred. Outside the courtroom, I see Mr. Hulgaard standing before the public, showing his face, and identifyin­g himself. He states, “I have no hate for anyone.” Outside the courtroom I also see a mob of protesters who do not want to identify themselves, who keep their faces covered, and then shout at him, “We are all one! We don’t need hate!” I look at all this and can’t help but wonder who is hiding what? And why? And where is all this coming from?

In our politicall­y correct nation run by our politicall­y correct PM, I am starting to see a pattern develop within Canadian society — hypocrisy. Political correctnes­s is developing a kind of “soft terrorism”— a subtle, outside pressure applied to the inner belief system of your conscience, which produces a fear to speak your mind and being branded phobic or a bigot. I define political correctnes­s by the very words used: It is when we allow politics to define what is correct, and along with this follows what isn’t correct and needs to be punished.

I am not saying Mr. Hulgaard is either innocent or guilty; this is not relevant. The issue here is hate and love — with love covering a multitude of wrongdoing. Hatefully yelling at someone, “We are all one! We don’t need hate!” is not love. This is hypocritic­al love — hatred disguised and painted over and white-washed with “love.”

These hypocritic­al lovers of everything are not acting in love. They draw the first line of defence at the legal system (note the pre-ordained political correctnes­s of line drawing). Then their statements, “But we would like to put out a call to action in our community … We are asking people to publicly call out this type of activity … We are not asking people to put themselves in harm’s way … Hate crimes in the Hat must be opposed … I am complicit if I am not fighting against hatred.”

I don’t know about you, but these words sound a lot like inciting hatred, not love, the very thing Mr. Hulgaard is being accused of.

Bruce Hubbard Medicine Hat

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