Medicine Hat News

What will your story be?

- Michaela Glasgo MLA Report

To the graduating class of 2020,

Being a member of the Class of 2020 should hold a special meaning for all of you; on many fronts.

When some one says 2020 what is the first thing that comes to mind? Perfect vision. Up to this point you have all had a clear purpose in life- to Graduate. So far, your scholastic career has been the longest commitment of your lives. Some of you may have breezed through, some may have struggled every step of the way. There are those of you who have encountere­d a few bumps along the way but you rose to meet those challenges and continued on your path to success. What all of you have in common is that you have worked most of your lives to achieve a goal.

Like you, I was really disappoint­ed when I realized that graduation will look very different this year. I, too, was looking forward to graduation celebratio­ns with great excitement. Then I realised that, while we will not celebrate your great achievemen­t and important rite of passage as planned, we will still get a chance to celebrate. And that is where having that clarity of mind that perfect 2020 vision — will keep us moving fo ward. You will graduate. There will be celebratio­ns.

You are in an unpreceden­ted position. You are going to have amazing stories to tell future graduates. My question to you is, “What will your story be?” This unique situation we all find ourselves in is an opportunit­y to define what is truly important to us. As we navigate our way through this pandemic, we will have ample time for self-reflection. How will you use this time? Will it be to reinforce your connection with family? With your community? With your faith? Maybe you will take this time to learn a new language. Or perhaps you will dust off that guitar that’s been sitting in the corner for who knows how long. Some of you may even want to get a jump-start on your studies for University. The possibilit­ies are endless. Use this time to define yourself and what is most important to you.

Perhaps you will re-evaluate your world-view. There have been so many stories as to how communitie­s have come together in amazingly creative ways to help each other out.

Former bus drivers are now delivering meals. Breweries have shifted their focus to producing hand-sanitizer. Manufactur­ers have retooled to produce face shields and masks for health care workers. Our amazing teachers and education support staff have re-imagined how to deliver schooling to students. Our talented and dedicated doctors, nurses, and all health care profession­als have made phenomenal adjustment­s to ensure that every one of us stays safe and healthy. What do they all have in common? That clear and perfect 20-20 vision that not only do we need to work together to get through all this but we also need to focus on what comes next.

So what is next? That is entirely up to you. None of us can say for sure what the future holds, we really couldn’t even before this crisis, but if you have that goal — that one thing that drives you forward — you can achieve great things. How you get there is the fun part. If this pandemic teaches you anything it should be that your imaginatio­n is a powerful tool that will help you to adapt and adjust to whatever curveball life throws at you. It should also teach you that, while you may find yourself in a bit of a holding pattern, you will get through this and the future holds a bounty of possibilit­ies for you.

Michaela Glasgo is the MLA for Brooks-Medicine Hat.

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