Medicine Hat News

Ticked Off & Tickled Pink


- Phone: 403-528-5682 Email: ticked@medicineha­

Ticked Off

Apparently you write to the News, but you obviously don’t read it. The NDP government (Rachel Notley’s) staff and salary was 21 per cent higher than the UCP. Also in case you haven’t heard, or read, the UCP government is spending money on taking care of Albertans — COVID-19.

Ticked Off

Recent events have increased the number of bicycles on our streets and pathways, which is great. What is not great is many of the riders fail to use any “cycling etiquette” as they travel about, like using a bell to warn of your approach, or slowing down as you approach walkers. And I really don’t understand adults cycling on residentia­l sidewalks.

Ticked Off

That roofing companies let their garbage away from the site, then don’t pick it up. It’s not advertisin­g.

Tickled Pink

The article on Finlay Bridge facelift, I read in the paper where our City Infrastruc­ture

Ticked Off

At the continuing bullying and cruelty by PC government towards AISH clients during pandemic.

Ticked Off

Jason Kenny scolding Albertans regarding masks. Making it “clear” we can’t be supplied with many. Maybe he shouldn’t have given so many away to other provinces. I’m sure we will be paying for a few masks each in the long run.

Ticked Off

Commission­er states, “We still went with best qualified bid and it happened to be the low bid.” But wait a minute, I had to go back and read that the contract was awarded “after that firm was one of two that bid on the work.” and one of them was non-compliant. I suppose by default that makes it the best qualified and lowest bid also, so happy the city looks after spending our tax dollars wisely. Ticked off 15 months later and still no 50 prosecutor­s hired. “Promise made. Promise broken.”

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