Medicine Hat News

Thanks to USMCA, working-class Americans will be integral to future U.S. trade policy


One of the lasting legacies of Donald Trump’s tumultuous presidency will be to give working-class Americans more of a say in U.S. trade policy, experts say — and that could pose a challenge for Canada in the years ahead.

Joe Biden, who successful­ly flipped blue-collar Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvan­ia in last week’s presidenti­al election, has already promised to prioritize U.S. firms and workers as the country works to recover from its pandemicin­duced economic crisis.

Future administra­tions, be they Democrat or Republican, are unlikely to forget the lessons of 2016 any time soon, a panel of trade experts agreed Thursday.

“The president-elect has been quite clear that trade policy begins at home,” said Robert Holleyman, a trade lawyer and former deputy U.S. trade representa­tive in the final years of the Obama administra­tion.

Biden will be focused on ensuring domestic investment­s, procuremen­t efforts and tax policy are focused on generating benefits for those in the U.S. who have felt left behind by the global economy, Holleyman said.

“We cannot simply look at trade in a vacuum; it has to be part of this domestic discussion ... it needs at the end of the day to return the right results for American taxpayers and citizens.”

Biden has promised stiff new tax penalties on companies that manufactur­e U.S.-bound products outside the country, incentives to keep jobs on U.S. soil and penalties for companies that “offshore” jobs and facilities to lower their tax bills.

He also plans to more strictly enforce, expand and tighten Buy American provisions, make U.S. products more competitiv­e, lengthen the list of “critical materials” that must be American-made and establish a “Made in America” office in the White House.

Canada fully hopes to negotiate waivers to those rules, much as they did in 2010 when Biden, as vice-president, oversaw the implementa­tion of President Barack Obama’s Recovery Act, which included stringent new Buy American restrictio­ns.

The Canadian Embassy has been watching both the presidenti­al and down-ballot House and Senate campaigns closely in order to assess the potential implicatio­ns, said Kirsten Hillman, Canada’s envoy to Washington.

“We’re fully engaged, and we’ve been providing our analysis,” Hillman said in an interview this week. “That will continue to evolve as president-elect Biden continues to talk more about what their plans are as an administra­tion. But this is an ongoing project.”

Expect a more multilater­al approach than Trump, said Brian Pomper, an internatio­nal trade consultant who spent four years advising former Montana senator Max Baucus during his tenure as Democratic chairman of the Senate Finance Committee.

“I think that the trade initiative­s he has to undertake and he has to face he will think about through the prism of foreign policy,” Pomper said.

“The Biden administra­tion’s instincts are going to be multilater­al, to be working more with our allies where we can.”

That doesn’t necessaril­y mean everything the president-elect does on internatio­nal trade will be diametrica­lly opposed to his predecesso­r, he added: reversing course “is not as easy as snapping your fingers.”

It won’t be easy to align trade policy with foreign policy, said Stephen Vaughn, who spent two years as general counsel to Trump’s U.S. trade representa­tive.

If the Trump era has proven anything, he said, it’s that it’s critically important to take care of domestic political priorities before worrying about which of your trading partners might be left at a disadvanta­ge.

“We have a lot of workers who are very, very concerned about whether or not their kids are going to be able to live as well as they did, and that has to be a part of the challenge as well,” Vaughn said.

“If the U.S. economy goes down the drain, or the U.S. political system is sort of swallowed up by worker rage, we’re not going to be much of an ally to anybody.”

 ?? AP PHOTO CAROLYN KASTER ?? President-elect Joe Biden waves as he leaves The Queen theater, on Tuesday in Wilmington, Del.
AP PHOTO CAROLYN KASTER President-elect Joe Biden waves as he leaves The Queen theater, on Tuesday in Wilmington, Del.

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