Medicine Hat News

Give Jason Kenney a break


Dear editor,

I have come to really admire Alberta Premier Jason Kenney.

He is dealing with pandemics (COVID), crises (opioids), wars (on drugs, gangs). He is in the arena, dirty, tired and nearing exhaustion. All the while surrounded by woke whiners, naysayers, doomsday predictors, virtual reality political ideologues all criticizin­g from the comfort of their armchair warm and snug, or should that be smug.

A majority of Albertans chose to elect the man as they felt he was the best choice. I do not care if your “whatever” lost in the election, this is our province and we are in trouble. Start to help the man — quit stabbing him in the back.

Good grief, if you want to see what is worse look no further than Ottawa.

Ian Parkinson Medicine Hat

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