Medicine Hat News

Expert says stretching out time between vaccine doses in Alberta is ‘practical’


An infectious diseases expert says it makes practical sense for Alberta to stretch the amount of time between first and second doses of two approved COVID-19 vaccines — but not indefinite­ly.

Dr. Jim Kellner with the University of Calgary’s Cumming School of Medicine says it’s reasonable to allow for 42 days between doses until the end of February, when Ottawa expects to significan­tly ramp up deliveries.

The Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine’s label says doses should be given 21 days apart and Moderna’s says it should be 28 days.

The National Advisory Committee on Immunizati­on says prolonging the wait to 42 days is acceptable in places where there’s high community transmissi­on, strain on the health-care system and limited vaccine supply.

The World Health Organizati­on has also suggested that waiting up to six weeks after the first dose is an acceptable compromise.

Dr. Deena Hinshaw, Alberta’s chief medical officer of health, said Tuesday that if the province were to save half of every vaccine shipment for second doses, it would dramatical­ly cut the number of people who could benefit from early protection.

“None of these are easy decisions,” she said.

“But it’s really important that, as we’re considerin­g all of these options, we make sure that we’re thinking about the benefits and risks at individual levels as well as the population level.”

Health officials in Manitoba and Saskatchew­an say they’re sticking with the time frame set out on the vaccine manufactur­ers’ labels for now.

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