Medicine Hat News

Holey leaves and vines!

A look at houseplant trends for 2022


After the houseplant heyday of the 1970s, the penchant for potted green companions faded with all but the most dedicated plant parents. But over the past decade, as many young adults began filling their homes -- and social media feeds -- with indoor plants, a cross-generation­al audience started to take notice.

Then the pandemic hit, and the homebound turned to houseplant­s for a sense of comfort and a connection to nature. Two years in, the desire to green up our living spaces with “houseplant jungles” is still going strong.

But for everything, there is a season: Cactuses, the darlings of the past decade, are waning in popularity as bolder statement plants that impart a sense of hominess and warmth take their place.

As we begin a new year, a new crop of houseplant trends awaits. Here are the styles and plants you can expect to see more of in 2022.

Fenestrate­d plants

Steadily growing in popularity over the past few years, split-leaf philodendr­on (Monstera deliciosa) and Swiss cheese plant (Monstera adansonii) are showing no sign of retreat.

“Looks are what make them popular,” said Puneet Sabharwal, CEO and cofounder of the Horti houseplant subscripti­on service. Their leaves are uniquely fenestrate­d, which in the plant world describes foliage that is split or contains holes.

“Things also become popular when they’re hard to acquire,” Sabharwal said. In the past, “Monsteras were never available in tiny sizes — only with big, giant leaves — and they were expensive. So initially it was hobby gardeners taking clippings and sharing them with each other, then posting photos on Instagram.” The hashtag #MonsteraMo­nday helped fuel the frenzy, he said.

The plants are more accessible today, so the trend we’re seeing is a combinatio­n of their good looks, social media popularity and ease of care, Sabharwal said. “They’re hard to kill, and you only need one to add the feel of a jungle to your house.”


Climbing plants also are having a moment, as social media feeds fill with images of vines spilling from containers and snaking their way up stair railings and bookcases. Philodendr­ons, especially the velvet-leaved “micans” and variegated “pink princess” varieties, are desirable, as are large hoya and pothos plants. All are relatively lowmainten­ance.

“The beauty of vining plants is that you can easily take a clipping and make another,” Sabharwal said. “And they don’t take up a lot of floor space” because they grow vertically.

He attributes their surge in popularity to the wholesaler­etail cycle: In 2020, lockdowns and business restrictio­ns created a shortage of plants, so demand grew. Commercial growers responded to that demand by producing more. But, Sabharwal said, small pothos and philodendr­ons flooded the market and just sat on nursery shelves, growing bigger as the year progressed. Now there’s a large supply of plants with long vines, which are in greater demand.

Killer plants

Carnivorou­s plants can be tricky to grow, but who doesn’t love a good conversati­on piece?

“We’ve seen what we call a slow-motion explosion,” said Damon Collingswo­rth, coowner of Sonoma Countybase­d California Carnivores, the largest carnivorou­s plant nursery in the U.S. “When we opened in 1989, no one was interested because (the plants) were kind of weird, but weird is desirable now,” he said.

The recent fascinatio­n can be traced, at least partially, to TikTok videos showing the plants in action. One in particular, which shows a jumping spider occupying a pitcher plant, quickly amassed 15.8 million views after it was posted to the platform in September.

But the allure isn’t limited to social media. Last summer’s BBC Gardeners World Live, an annual multi-day event held in Birmingham, England, showcased a carnivorou­s plants display for the first time in its 30-year history.

Stateside, Collingswo­rth said his nursery’s biggest sellers are Cape sundews (Drosera capensis) and butterwort­s (Pinguicula spp). Both are among the easiest carnivorou­s plants to grow indoors on a sunny windowsill. Tropical pitcher plants (Nepenthes spp) also are ontrend, but their care requires a balancing act that Collingswo­rth calls “water finesse.” Their soil should be kept moist but never soggy, and it should be allowed to dry only slightly between waterings.

All three are swamp plants, so they require mineral-free distilled or rain water and very little fertilizer because their nutrient intake comes from the insects they catch. In the absence of an abundance of gnats, fruit flies or other household pests, Collingswo­rth recommends adding one pellet of slowreleas­e fertilizer to each pitcher plant’s “mouth,” or spraying the leaves of other plants with liquid fertilizer once a month.

“They’re so different from everything else and also really charismati­c and beautiful,” he said.


“Japandi” style, a marriage of Japanese minimalism and Scandinavi­an functional­ity, is new to the home decor scene, and houseplant­s play an essential role in creating the aesthetic. The intentiona­l placement of just a few statement plants in a room instantly imparts a sense of cozy elegance. Monsteras and the round-leaved Chinese money plants (Pilea peperomioi­des) provide the desired welcoming vibe without clutter.


Houseplant lovers bored by understate­d style are grouping large-leafed species for dramatic effect. Mature Monstera deliciosas, for instance, command attention with leaves that grow to 18 inches long, and the variegated foliage of golden and Hawaiian pothos varieties can reach 8 inches. The bold, arrow-shaped leaves of Alocasia, another rising star, often extend to 10 inches.

Mix and match shapes and sizes for the biggest impact.

Before the pandemic, Collingswo­rth said, “we lived in a mass-produced, throwaway world. Now people are realizing nature is getting more and more scarce and special, and they’re appreciati­ng that” by bringing more plants into their homes.

Jessica Damiano is an award-winning gardening writer, master gardener and educator. She writes The Weekly Dirt newsletter and creates an annual wall calendar of daily gardening tips. Send her a note at jessica@ jessicadam­ and find her at jessicadam­ and on Instagram @JesDamiano.

 ?? CALIFORNIA CARNIVORES VIA AP ?? This undated image provided by California Carnivores shows a flat of butterwort (Pinguicula cyclosecta) plants.
CALIFORNIA CARNIVORES VIA AP This undated image provided by California Carnivores shows a flat of butterwort (Pinguicula cyclosecta) plants.

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