Medicine Hat News

Ticked Off & Tickled Pink


- Phone: 403-528-5682 Email: ticked@medicineha­

Ticked Off and Tickled Pink provides a venue for the free exchange of ideas in our community. While we encourage comments on every topic, the News reserves the right to edit them for length, timeliness, libel and decency. No identifyin­g factors can be present in the submission­s.

Ticked Off

TNT, turn signals and tailgating. You know who you are and the rest of us encourage you to find a brain.

Tickled Pink

We were tickled pink by the generosity of the regular patron of the chocolate shop who paid recently for our breakfast. Your kindness was infectious!

Tickled Pink

Our hats off to those actors who performed at CHHS The SpongeBob Musical. They put on a fabulous show and really displayed their talents. Well done to the band and the organizers. We will definitely be attending more of these shows.

Ticked Off

At the idiot driver spraying slush irresponsi­bly on the Trans-Canada Highway. He had to drive right along side the curb to do it.

Ticked Off

How annoyed would you be if a bunch of vehicles parked on you street surroundin­g your home front to back and blew horns, letting off fireworks day and night. Blocking your ability to get out of your driveway or garage.

Tickled Pink

Another great article from Scott (Schmidt). I know lots do not like his opinions but I think he has it 100% accurate!

Tickled Pink

Glad to see the former mayor of Brooks run for MLA in this region. I am sure he can contribute more than organizing a prayer breakfast.

Ticked Off

When will Kenny stop embarrassi­ng thinking people in Alberta. He has to go on April 9.

Ticked Off

People forget to be considerat­e. When I have a conversati­on on transit with passengers and they have to be on the conversati­on.

Tickled Pink

Tickled pink by the kind neighbour on McCaig Crescent that used their snowblower to clean their neighbour’s sidewalks on 28 Street SE on Sunday after the snowfall we had. Thank you, it was appreciate­d.

Ticked Off

That we are taxed to death on everything. Can’t afford gas, can’t afford utility bill, and food prices just keep going up and up.

Tickled Pink

To get my new hair salon up in Medicine Hat! Such a great market!

Tickled Pink

Thank you city crews for cleaning up streets after large snowfall!

Ticked Off

That because I donated to the Freedom Convoy protest I now live in fear my government will freeze my bank account and turn my world upside down.

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