Medicine Hat News

Post-pandemic social skills

- Roland Weisbrot

In the past few weeks, I have heard several individual­s comment that people are seemingly less kind, patient and otherwise sociable in our post-pandemic world. Now it is not uncommon for folks, particular­ly among those of an older vintage, to bemoan “how bad things have gotten” and then go on to explain “how good they used to be.” However, I do not think we can just write this recent “rudeness problem” off as another instantiat­ion of the curmudgeon­ly spirit. To be fair, some people have had little social exposure over the past two years, and social skills in general have become rusty. The pandemic has been hard on society for various reasons, and many people have legitimate­ly changed, for better or worse.

The Book of James warns us in multiple places about the tongue and the damage it can cause if not properly reined in. In fact, James even goes so far to say “those who consider themselves religious and yet do not keep a tight rein on their tongues deceive themselves, and their religion is worthless.” (1:26, NIV) Yikes! So, what does this all mean? Well, to quote a famous Michael Jackson song, “If you want to make the world a better place, then take a look at yourself and make that change!” We must first consider whether we are contributi­ng to this problem, and if we find we are, we should make a concerted effort to change. Second, the best way to address this issue on a broader basis is to follow the Golden Rule, treat others as you wish to be treated — regardless of how they may treat you back (cf. Luke 6:31)! In doing so, you will help our society regain its social skills and bear witness to Christ living in you in the process (John 13:35).

Pastor Roland Weisbrot is the Associate Pastor at Victory Lutheran Church

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