Medicine Hat News

Garden sitters save the day during summer



Take my chard, please!

The season has come when many home gardeners, their numbers booming since the pandemic began, are being rewarded with fully matured, ready-to-pick vegetables and flowers. It’s also vacation season, and this summer travel is back.

How do you maintain your garden and take advantage of all that homegrown goodness during extended trips away? Even experience­d gardeners can end up with more tomatoes, beans and zucchini than they’d expected come late summer.

Garden sitters are one answer.

Some home gardeners hire profession­als, while many just rely on neighbors and hope for the best.

“It’s really hard to leave the garden,” said Theresa Fiumano-Rhatigan, a longtime home gardener in Brooklyn. She relies on her parents and other nearby relatives as garden sitters during her five weeks each summer in Cape Cod, Massachuse­tts. “Nobody does it quite like I do.”

Having an experience­d sitter who isn’t afraid to take control can help. Avoid a free-forall of inexperien­ced neighbors and friends traipsing through to pick what they want with no care given to the plants and no idea when to water.

“The first thing is to find one friend with a garden you like and make sure you’re willing to return the favor,” said Adam Choper, associate director for outdoor gardens and sustainabl­e horticultu­re at the New York Botanical Garden in the Bronx.

He suggests walking your garden sitter through the process beforehand to make sure things are done just right. Setting up sprinklers or soaker hoses will make things easier while you’re away. For container gardens, group the containers together in the shade so your plants won’t dry out as quickly if your vacation is just a week or two, Choper said. Some gardeners place containers in kiddy pools with water that a garden sitter need only fill up if necessary.

Choper also recommends putting down mulch before heading out for long periods. That helps the soil conserve water and keeps weeds at bay.

For gardeners without trusted neighbors or loved ones, garden sitters for hire are abundant on local online message boards or at nurseries and horticultu­ral societies.

Rachel Mulkerin tends to about 3,000 square feet of garden space on her 9-acre property in Sherman, Connecticu­t, and has hired special needs helpers she found through her mother, a former adult education teacher.

“It’s a wildly mutually beneficial arrangemen­t,” she said.

Mulkerin uses about half of what she produces for herself and her family and gives away the rest to those in need in her community.

Through time, gardens have offered a sense of safety and comfort, so entrusting them to others can be difficult, said Ambra Edwards, a gardening historian and co-author of “The Story of Gardening.”

Edwards, who gardens herself in England’s rural Dorset, considers holiday a reprieve from the toil, but she knows a lot of manic gardeners who can’t tear themselves away.

“I’ve got one friend in particular and she has to travel a lot. She travels the length and breadth of the country. And when she does, she takes all her vegetable plants, all her sweet peas and a particular myrtle in a pot that she got from a very dear friend, now deceased, and loads them in the car. They go with her. She’s the snail carrying a house,” Edwards said.

 ?? JONO WAKS VIA AP ?? This Aug. 12 photo shows, from left, Garden sitter Jono Waks, left, with Lev Guttenberg, from second left, Tal Guttenberg, Zoe Guttenberg and Doug Guttenberg at the Scholes Street Children’s Garden in the Brooklyn borough of New York. The Guttenberg family leaves the care of their community plot and backyard garden to their neighbor, Waks, when they spend a month at their Detroit home each summer.
JONO WAKS VIA AP This Aug. 12 photo shows, from left, Garden sitter Jono Waks, left, with Lev Guttenberg, from second left, Tal Guttenberg, Zoe Guttenberg and Doug Guttenberg at the Scholes Street Children’s Garden in the Brooklyn borough of New York. The Guttenberg family leaves the care of their community plot and backyard garden to their neighbor, Waks, when they spend a month at their Detroit home each summer.

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