Medicine Hat News

Stigma against psychedeli­cs could fade with decriminal­ization in B.C., experts say


Decriminal­ization of some hard drugs in British Columbia could help reduce stigma around psychedeli­c substances that have medicinal value, but have been caught up in the war on drugs, experts say.

“The war on drugs is one of the main drivers of the overdose epidemic and it also may be one of the reasons why we’re not using the best treatment for mental health — psychedeli­cs,” said Zach Walsh, a professor of psychology at the University of British Columbia and a scientist with the B.C. Centre on Substance Use.

“In the ‘70s, internatio­nal prohibitio­ns against any number of drugs — including psychedeli­cs, but also harder drugs — began. Since then, they’ve all been grouped together.”

But Walsh said psychedeli­cs, opioids and stimulants should be treated differentl­y.

“So when the war on drugs falls apart, you see decriminal­ization, you see more acceptance of psychedeli­cs. They could have benefits for mental health. They’re both symptoms of a larger shift in public attitudes.”

For about three years starting in January 2023, adults in B.C. who have 2.5 grams or less of illicit drugs for personal use — including heroin, cocaine and methamphet­amine — will not be arrested, charged or have their drugs seized.

“Instead, police will offer informatio­n on available health and social supports and will help with referrals when requested,” the province said in a May news release.

Sheila Malcolmson, B.C.’s Minister of Mental Health and Addictions, has said the move would break down the stigma that stops people from accessing life-saving support and services.

As attitudes around hard drugs have shifted, experts have noted a resurged interest in psychedeli­cs. The green light has been given to test psychedeli­cs and their derivative­s in hundreds of people around the world in clinical trials.

Damian Kettlewell is the CEO of Clairvoyan­t Therapeuti­cs, a B.C.-based company conducting clinical trials on more than a hundred people to see how psilocybin, an active ingredient in magic mushrooms, can help treat alcohol use disorder.

Kettlewell said decriminal­ization of certain illicit substances can help reduce stigma against therapy that involves ingesting consciousn­ess-altering substances — including psilocybin, ketamine, LSD or MDMA (the active ingredient in ecstasy) — in a clinical setting as part of more traditiona­l psychother­apy.

“I would encourage skeptics to look at the history of the war on drugs. LSD was used quite effectivel­y by psychother­apists in California in the ‘50s for alcoholism,” Kettlewell said.

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