Medicine Hat News

Airfares in Canada fall 14% in January as demand eases and competitio­n ramps up


The price of a plane ticket fell more than 14 per cent on average in January compared with a year earlier, according to new data from Statistics Canada.

Airfare also dropped nearly 24 per cent between

December and January, the agency’s consumer price index report said, as holiday demand gave way to stay-at-home habits last month.

However, the price of a ticket remained 10 per cent above 2019 levels, reflecting aviation’s higher costs and slightly lower capacity in a post-pandemic world.

The year-over-year fare decline for January follows a trend seen since April where prices have fallen compared with the same months the year before. December registered a nearly 10 per cent year-overyear fare drop, while

November saw a 17 per cent year-over-year decrease.

Duncan Dee, former chief operating officer at Air

Canada, said the sagging prices reflect a levelling-off in demand due to the financial pressures that consumers continue to feel from inflation and higher interest rates.

“We saw that over the Christmas peak this year. It just was not as busy as it was in previous years,” he said, referring to pre-pandemic totals.

Air traffic in December notched 3.5 per cent below volumes from the same month in 2019, ending a five-month run in which passenger numbers had surpassed pre-COVID-19 levels, according to Statistics Canada.

Domestic passenger traffic also dipped one per cent in December compared with a year earlier, marking the first year-over-year monthly decline for that segment in 2023, agency figures show.

“Canadian consumers are probably feeling the pinch overall from the cost of living. And one of the activities that they tend to cut back on in that type of environmen­t is air travel,” Dee said.

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