Medicine Hat News

Accounting fix to improve tax revenue estimates: B.C. auditor general


British Columbia auditor general Michael Pickup says the provincial government is using more up-to-date informatio­n to forecast income tax revenue, something he expects to improve financial estimates that have routinely been off by more than $1 billion every year.

He says in an audit of the government’s 2022-2023 financial statements that the change should reduce the size of adjustment­s to estimates of tax revenue which he says have been “frequently off target” for the last decade.

In 2022-2023, the government had to reduce its reported surplus by $1.86 billion after it changed the way it estimates personal and corporate income tax revenue.

Pickup says the way the government estimates tax revenue from individual­s and corporatio­ns is important because it makes up about a third of the province’s revenue, amounting to about $26.5 billion last fiscal year.

The audit says that for the current fiscal year, the government consulted the auditor general’s office to update their year-end estimates by using federal tax return filings, a method the report said was “much less subjective.”

He says in a briefing that estimating tax revenue “remains challengin­g,” and the government’s methods still need to be “sharpened.”

Pickup also says government decisions about BC Hydro have created accounting challenges, and that methods used to account for $320 million in customer credits in 2022 weren’t independen­tly reviewed by the B.C. Utilities Commission.

Pickup says the initial accounting of the $100 credit for all residentia­l and commercial customers was “incorrect,” and BC Hydro should alert government when its directions pose a risk to the Crown corporatio­n’s accounting methods.

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