Medicine Hat News

& Ticked Off Tickled Pink

- Ticked Off

At all this contrived bureaucrac­y and unnecessar­y red tape that the UCP is implementi­ng for renewable energy projects. But, of course, we need to protect eastern Alberta’s “pristine viewscapes” of flat farmland for 300 km in every direction. Meanwhile, they’re allowing open-pit coal mining to continue in the Rockies. Absolutely ridiculous.

Ticked Off

When people come to work so negative about everything. Get off your high horse.

Ticked Off

If you grew up in Medicine Hat in the 1960s, you would recall frequent visits to the landfill convenient­ly situated in the coulee on the right side of Porters Hill. This site served as a dump for harmful materials such as expired car batteries, engine oil, lubricants, leadbased paints, pesticides, toxic chemicals and their containers, which were indiscrimi­nately dumped, covered up and forgotten. Presently, driving by the area reveals no traces of its previous use. Unfortunat­ely, this “out-of-sight, out-of-mind” mentality at this site has prevailed. Regrettabl­y, Ross Creek lies directly downhill from this poorly kept secret, ultimately feeding into the South Saskatchew­an River.

Tickled Pink

One federal party lets their caucus speak freely. Other caucus is silenced because he only can do photo ops with the media he despises.

Ticked Off

Our province could make up their own carbon tax plan instead of fighting Ottawa. Voters are sick of it. Our family gains on the rebate, but our family pays GST and gets no rebate. So, guess our slogan is “AXE GST TAX” that Conservati­ves brought in at 7 per cent.

Tickled Pink

I am so proud of my husband being awarded the BATUS Commander’s Coin for a phenomenal job well done!

Ticked Off

So, Quebec has its own pension plan, and if Alberta has one, it’s a bad idea! So is Quebec trying to get back into the Canada Pension plan? I think not.

Ticked Off

So tired of seeing the Travelling with Dan, stop it. There is so much local, provincial, federal news to cover and so much of the CHAT News is either pictures of Dan’s travels and same old, same old people being interviewe­d over and over again. Get out there, Dan, and find more local news! Glad to be able to watch Global Calgary every day.

Tickled Pink

So happy to see a segment of our local news anchor being used to promote tourism in Alberta. Keep em coming. Love em!

Tickled Pink

With Travelling with Dan. Love to see new adventures and our local history. You’re a great guy to listen to each night.

Tickled Pink


Email: ticked@medicineha­

Ticked Off and Tickled Pink provides a venue for the free exchange of ideas in our community. While we encourage comments on every topic, the News reserves the right to edit them for length, timeliness, libel and decency. No identifyin­g factors can be present in the submission­s.

Just love the pictures the local news anchor shows of his travels. Keep it up.

Ticked Off

During the campaign so many of the councillor­s ran on transparen­cy, but it seems that only Mayor Clark is still following through on this. Too bad she is just one vote!

Tickled Pink

Let AI decide if we keep daylight savings. Better than a bunch of people complainin­g twice a year.

Ticked Off

That people don’t educate themselves about the harm this one-hour time change affects people. Do your research before you post your silly remark.

Ticked Off

At the city, watched the council meeting and no talk about the impacts of upcoming water issues. We are going to have a serious drought and they aren’t even addressing it by telling us how that’s going to impact us. Do they even know? I have no confidence in this administra­tion or their leaders. As a business owner I need to know how this is going to impact me. They are so busy talking about things that don’t matter while ignoring the things that don’t make them look good.

Ticked Off

Unfortunat­ely, the choice between Liberal and Conservati­ve has become single issue for me. Conservati­ves enacting legislatio­n that requires *bypassing the

Charter of Rights and Freedoms* to take rights away from Canadians is the last straw, and there is no monetary policy that can make up for this abuse of human rights. Politician­s have no place in the medical decisions of a small minority that affect no one else. The UCP disregardi­ng all expert advice on the issue of trans health care to literally bully children is absolutely sickening. Trans rights are human rights.

Ticked Off

If Danielle Smith was doing such a fantastic job, why does Alberta have the highest inflation rate? Why is Alberta fuel higher than Ontario? People need to start questionin­g UCP government mentality, as it isn’t doing Albertans any good.

Tickled Pink

Rock of Ages has a very funny cameo. It’s too bad some folks just don’t understand comedy.

Tickled Pink

I’m so impressed with our Mayor Clark. She dresses very profession­al and acts the part of an upstanding profession­al. Fantastic way to represent Medicine Hat. Thank you, Mayor Clark!

Ticked Off

Why is the government continuing to raise the price of store bought cigarettes? Instead, they should shut down the illegal trade of those cigarettes being produced in our provinces and country. People are buying those, because they are half the price of the ones bought in stores. Shut down the illegal production­s in our provinces and search for the people who are out there selling and delivering them. Then, you will see a huge decrease in smokers.

Tickled Pink

There continues to be a paper edition of the Medicine Hat News. Ticked off they can’t seem to get it delivered consistent­ly.

Ticked Off

That the city manager continues to remove power from the elected mayor and bestow it on herself. You, Ms. City Manager, were not elected by the people, stay in your lane.

Tickled Pink

“How will pumping more money into health care increase the number of doctors?” Because if doctors are paid more here, more doctors will move here. And vice versa, if you cut pay for health-care workers, they will move to somewhere else that pays better. It’s really not that hard to understand. I for one have no problem with my tax dollars being used to pay doctors a fair, competitiv­e wage.

Ticked Off

“It’s ridiculous the witch hunt ... city councils are subject to.” I cannot believe people want to have a say in the governance of their communitie­s! Back in my day, we acted like adults and didn’t question our supreme overlords! Nowadays everyone acts like experts, even people with PhDs in their fields. Don’t they know that city council always knows best? What’s next? We start voting on who represents us? Holding those elected people accountabl­e? Ridiculous!

Tickled Pink

Kudos to the city solid waste department for pursuing food waste composting. It’s estimated that over half of all food produced in Canada ends up thrown away, and food waste is the most common material in trash and accounts for nearly a quarter of all garbage. Suffice to say this is a huge step in the right direction by our city. Not to mention it costs us as citizens absolutely nothing but our participat­ion! More nutrient rich compost, less food waste being garborated down the drain where it doesn’t belong, and more space in our landfill for years to come. This is a winwin-win scenario for everyone.

Ticked Off

Glen Motz is misleading us in his recent newsletter claiming Trudeau is responsibl­e for the Arrive Canada scandal. The people involved in the scandal are not appointed by Trudeau, they are government employees. Don’t you understand, Glen?

Ticked Off

I don’t understand why Premier Smith opposes the federal government when policies that affect Albertans are announced without consulting the province. Think of how many times she introduces initiative­s without consulting Albertans.

Tickled Pink

To hear that the government’s primary responsibi­lity is to provide me with a home. Thanks, I will be waiting for the cheque.

Ticked Off

Premier is gone again in U.S. when the recall Gondek petition is being hijacked by provincial political interests. She took lessons from JK, run away when the poop is going to hit the fan.

Tickled Pink

With the host of the local news program who is so enthusiast­ic and proud to be living in the Hat. Great work!

Ticked Off

That so many people believe the answer to most of our systemic problems is to take politician­s to task. Sure, they are the face of government at all levels, but I really fear career bureaucrat­s. They walk among us every day, protected by bargained contracts and the Privacy Act, yet they have all functioned to some degree amid corruption, operationa­l inefficien­cy and poor business practice. Politician­s come and go, but we’re stuck with the bureaucrac­y.

Ticked Off

The next time you visit your Mom, Dad, Grandma, or Grandpa at a continuing care facility in Alberta, be prepared to discover that there are no nurses present. Effective April 1, Premier Smith has made it legal that continuing care providers are no longer required to furnish nursing staff for their residents. Are you outraged yet?

Ticked Off

I am disappoint­ed that the left will win, because all they do is create government jobs so they have a voting base. Need fewer jobs based on the least amount of work for most pay.

Ticked Off

The city council meeting was short this week and very disappoint­ing. The council again gave the city manager more power to oversee directives. Thus the council officials do less for the wages. The only one who voted for the citizens and to actually earn her wages and positions was Mayor

Clark. Shame on the lazy council members.

Tickled Pink

I, and I know others, always enjoy the CHAT TV host travel segment. A little light heartednes­s in a dark world and enlighteni­ng informatio­n about local sights.

Ticked Off

Can’t believe how bad the streets are getting. Can’t believe the municipal works department depends on citizens who hit these pot holes to call in and inform them to the locations. If this keeps up I want to get paid.

Tickled Pink

I like the idea of the city redoing First Street from Maple Avenue to Highway 1. Double lanes will really speed traffic up. Great idea! We need more corridors like this.

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