Modern Cat

Litter Box Problems

Getting to the bottom of why your cat is eliminatin­g outside of the box


“My furry family member, Henry, will be 18 years old this November. Henry is blind in one eye and has cataracts in both eyes. He has arthritis and moves a bit faster than a turtle on a stroll, but he knows his way around home very well. His hearing has diminished but he can hear a can of cat food being opened or the bag of dry food being poured. He likes to snuggle, communicat­e, and he is an excellent companion to me, especially after the recent loss of my parents. [Our vet and I concluded that it is] primarily due to age that Henry frequently urinates just outside of his litter box. I sincerely recommend to owners of furry family members, at the first notice of your pets eliminatio­n problem, please remain patient for kitty and yourself, stay kind and loving as you always are to your pet, and make the call to your vet for an appointmen­t. The answer could be as simple as age.— Jennifer

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