Montreal Gazette

Pressure grows on Syria to allow deliver Ry of aid

Western, Arab nations back joint force while Hamas turns against longtime ally


TUNIS – The first of the wounded and sick women and children trapped in the besieged Baba Amro district of Homs were evacuated on Friday as internatio­nal pressure mounted on the Syrian government to open up the country to humanitari­an aid.

The Internatio­nal Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) said the Syrian Arab Red Crescent had brought out seven Syrian women and children and taken them to a hospital in Homs.

“It’s a first step forward,” ICRC chief spokespers­on Carla Haddad told Reuters in Geneva.

“The priority now is evacuating the seriously wounded or sick.”

News of the evacuation came as Western and Gulf Arab nations met in Tunis to escalate pressure on President Bashar Assad over his crackdown during 11 months of protests.

Speaking at the meeting, Saudi Arabia’s Foreign Minister, Prince Saud al-faisal, said he supported arming the rebels.

“I think it’s an excellent idea,” he said at the start of a meeting with U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who warned Assad would pay a heavy price for the violence in Syria and said he must allow in urgent humanitari­an relief.

“If the Assad regime refuses to allow this life-saving aid to reach civilians, it will have even more blood on its hands,” Clin-

That Syrian security forces are “continuing to kill their brothers and sisters is a stain on their honour.” HILLARY CLINTON

ton said. “So, too, will those nations that continue to protect and arm the regime.”

She appealed to Syrian security forces to disobey orders from their commanders to carry out acts of violence.

“They’re (Syrian security forces) continuing to kill their brothers and sisters is a stain on their honour,” Clinton said.

“Their refusal to continue this slaughter will make them heroes in the eyes of not only Syrians, but people of conscience everywhere. They can help the guns fall silent.”

With the bombardmen­t of opposition-held neighbourh­oods in Homs entering its fourth week on Friday, the ICRC has been negotiatin­g with the Syrian government and opposition forces to bring out the sick and wounded from Baba Amro.

The activist group Avaaz, giving higher numbers than the ICRC, said the Syrian Red Crescent had transporte­d 10 wounded residents and 30 women and children from Baba Amro.

It said the opposition Free Syrian Army in Homs and another opposition group allowed four Syrian Red Crescent ambulances to enter the area, and that members of the ICRC were waiting for the evacuated outside Baba Amro to ensure proper treatment and safe passage for the wounded.

But foreign journalist­s trapped in Baba Amro, two of them badly wounded, refused to leave the besieged neighbourh­ood without an ICRC and foreign diplomatic presence, and a commitment to a full humanitari­an ceasefire, it said.

Two of the journalist­s, Edith Bouvier and Paul Conroy, need urgent medical care. The bodies of slain journalist­s Marie Colvin and Remi Ochlik, killed this week, remain in Baba Amro. A French and ICRC plan to get internatio­nal medical teams into Baba Amro to extract the foreign journalist­s and tend to the neighbourh­ood’s most badly wounded was rejected by the Assad government, Avaaz said.

And with the wounded being taken only as far as a hospital in Homs, it was unlikely men would agree to leave the area for fear of falling into the hands of Syrian security forces.

Opposition activists said that Syrian government artillery fire killed at least 15 people in Homs on Friday.

“Baba Amro is being hit with 122mm artillery directed at it from surroundin­g villages. A father and his 14-year-old son were among those killed. They were trying to flee the shelling when shrapnel hit them in the street,” Mohammad al-homsi said.

Activists also said Syrian security forces lined up and shot dead at least 18 people in a village in the central western Hama province.

A video uploaded by activists showed people wrapping the bloodied bodies of children and at least four adults. Several had been shot through the head.

After the talks in Tunis, Tu- nisian Foreign Minister Rafik Abdessalem said the meeting of more than 50 Western and Arab countries had backed an Arab League demand for a joint Arab and United Nations force to help end the violence in Syria. However, this point was not included in the meeting’s final co nique.

Abdessalem, who ch Friday’s inaugural Frien Syria meeting in the Tun capital, also said Wester Arab powers would pro recognize the opposition S National Council (SNC) legitimate representa­tive Syrian people during thei meeting in Turkey.

“We have gone half th and we will probably d other half in Turkey,” he s

The communique call Syria to “immediatel­y cea violence” to allow the U Nations access to Homs, let agencies deliver aid to ians affected by the violen

The Friends of Syria pledged to deliver huma ian supplies immediat Syria’s government “st its assault on civilian area permitted access.”

Moves for tougher a against Syria have been st by Russian and Chinese v at the UN Security Counc a lack of appetite for mi action along the lines o

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The head of the SNC expressed disappoint­ment in the Tunis meeting.

“This conference does not meet the aspiration­s of the Syrian people,” Burhan Ghalioun told Reuters.

But in a sign the internatio­nal community is seeking ways around the Security Council deadlock, United Nations Secretary-general Ban Ki-moon said he would dispatch former UN chief Kofi Annan to Syria as a joint Un-arab League envoy.

And in a blow to Assad, the Palestinia­n Islamist group Hamas turned publicly against their longtime ally on Friday. “I salute the heroic people of Syria who are striving for freedom, democracy and reform,” Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh said.

The exiled political leadership of Hamas, based in Damascus for over a decade, quietly quit the Syrian capital recently but had tried to deny their absence had anything to do with the revolt.

 ?? SYRIAN NATIONAL COUNCIL ?? Homs, including the neighbourh­ood of Karm Al Zaytoon, has been particular­ly hit hard by Syrian artillery fire, blamed for the deaths of 15 people on Friday.
SYRIAN NATIONAL COUNCIL Homs, including the neighbourh­ood of Karm Al Zaytoon, has been particular­ly hit hard by Syrian artillery fire, blamed for the deaths of 15 people on Friday.

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