Montreal Gazette

Tuition fee protests


Re: “Tuition-hike protesters come face to face with cops in riot gear” (Gazette, Feb. 24).

It’s time to reach a compromise on tuition fees.

I think most university students would agree (possibly after a lengthy discussion) that the current tuition fee is unsustaina­ble.

However, I don’t agree with the readers who enjoy telling stories of how they walked to school uphill, both ways, and barefoot, too.

I believe the provincial government should raise the tuition fee by slightly more and over a slightly longer period of time. Scott J. Brereton


Students here already enjoy one of the lowest, if not the lowest, tuition fees in North America. An examinatio­n of the past five days of boycotts and “strike” activities shows there have been about 40 hours of protests. The tuition hike of $375 annually works out to about $9.38 per hour for those 40 hours. So if the students simply worked for 40 hours, instead of protesting, the $375 would be covered.

Harry Selick


Tens of thousands of students are on strike protesting tuition fee increases of more than $300 per year.

How many of them have cellphones that cost $100? I hope the minister stands firm to bring tuition fees up to the national average.

Georges Plourde


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