Montreal Gazette

FAUNA The zoo will be looking for more volunteer help next year

- For more informatio­n about the Ecomuseum, 21125 Chemin Ste. Marie in Ste. Anne de Bellevue, call 514457-9449 or go to www.

There are three reasons an animal or bird ends up at the zoo: it was founded injured, was rehabilita­ted by the experts, but could no longer survive in the wild; it was born in captivity; or it was found orphaned, and could not survive on its own.

Vulnerable animals find a home and we can study them at close range and learn.

Behind the scenes, the zoo also runs research projects, learning more and more about the behaviour and habitats of animals from our region. Last year it won the Thomas R. Baines Award for its conservati­on and education efforts. The award is the highest honour bestowed on a Canadian accredited zoo or aquarium.

The animals are cared for by one veterinari­an, two veterinary technician­s, four animal keepers and two curators.

Three zoologists help with the education program, which reaches 40,000 people a year through school visits and guided tours of the zoo.

Many of the guided tours are handled by volunteers. Last year, 85 volunteers dedicated 4,915 hours to the zoo, giving guided tours, helping with the animals and helping with administra­tive duties.

“I have a passion for nature,” volunteer Martina Derrer said. “And it really bothers me what I see happening to our environmen­t, so now I work with the children who come to the zoo and get the message across about how important these animals are to us.”

Volunteers take a 10-week, 30-hour course. Training for this season’s volunteers is already under way, but the zoo will be looking for more volunteer help next year.

“We’re given a lot of informatio­n, but have the freedom to decide how we want to present it to the children,” Derrer said.

Derrer likes to capture the attention of her young visitors by wearing a wolf hat and introducin­g herself as “the leader of the pack.”

The corporate writer and hobby photograph­er gives about two tours a week.

“I work at home and I can feel isolated,” Derrer said. “Volunteeri­ng (at the zoo) is so energizing. I had a phobia about public speaking, and doing this has helped me get over that. And I just love to come here with a camera and shoot. I love it when it’s raining.”

The zoo relies on ticket sales and private donations. It receives the occasional government grant for special projects like the new aviary under constructi­on.

“Children are surrounded by technology all day long,” Derrer said. “To watch a 7-year-old boy go nuts over seeing a duck take off from a pond ... to see the children’s eyes light up when they see the wolves ... it’s wonderful. That’s when you see how disconnect­ed we have become from nature.”

Volunteers are kept particular­ly busy during special events such as the bilingual Crazy Spring Break! event, which runs from March 3-11.

Learn how different animals play, pet a snake or frog, test your physical skills against those of the animals, or get your picture taken with owl on your arm.

During the same period, 7to 12-year-olds can learn how to take care of the animals, under the supervisio­n of a zoologist, for up to five days. Fees vary, depending on the number of days you attend. One day costs $60.

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