Montreal Gazette

L. Ian Macdonald’s take on the robocalls


Re: “Even if there were robocalls, Harper won fair and square” (Opinion, Feb. 29).

In defence of the Conservati­ves’ questionab­le campaign ethics, L. Ian Macdonald says that backroom boys will be boys, and that the Conservati­ves’ dirty tricks, apparently co-ordinated across several provinces, were all part of the game. Fun, really.

But he calls “Vikileaks” (the action by a Liberal staff researcher who, outraged at being linked to child molesters by Public Safety Minister Vic Toews, tweeted links to documents of public record) “a Liberal operation,” implying that this staffer’s exposure of the minister’s private sexual ethics was organized and carried out by the Liberal Party.

Sorry, but there is no moral equivalenc­y between calling attention to facts on record and attempting to defraud citizens of their right to vote. Bob Rae has identified and apologized for his rogue staffer. When will Mr. Harper identify and apologize for his? Elaine Bander


I forgot. How is Stephen Harper related to L. Ian Macdonald? Christine Garnham

Côte St. Luc

“Dirty tricks are nothing new in politics. Sometimes they’re even part of the fun.” So says L. Ian Macdonald.

More correctly, the robocalls imputed to the Conservati­ve Party are a grave affront, not only to those duped out of their vote, but to all Canadians.

It doesn’t matter that the robocalls did not appear to change the outcome of the Guelph election. It is an infringeme­nt to the democratic right of every Canadian to vote in the election of his or her member of the House of Commons.

I am sure I need not remind Mr. Macdonald that many, the world over, have fought and died for such rights. They do so even now. Norman Morantz


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