Montreal Gazette

Netanyahu loses key coalition partner


JERUSALEM – Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s main political partner pulled out of his grand coalition Tuesday, accusing him of surrenderi­ng to ultraOrtho­dox Jews in a battle over military conscripti­on.

Netanyahu will remain in office for the foreseeabl­e future, still in control of a majority in parliament despite the decision by the centrist Kadima party to bolt the government it joined only two months ago.

But the breakup was widely seen as a serious political blow to Netanyahu, whose recruitmen­t of Kadima leader Shaul Mofaz in May to form one of the biggest government­s in the country’s history had newspapers hailing him as “King Bibi.”

The political turmoil raised fresh speculatio­n among some Israeli commentato­rs about an early election before a national ballot due in late 2013. But there was no immediate sign from Netanyahu that he might opt to go the polls.

Kadima, the largest party in the Knesset with 28 of 120 seats, had joined the government with the declared aim of ending a decades-old blanket exemption of Jewish seminary students from military service.

The change was opposed by ultraOrtho­dox factions that have long propped up coalition government­s in Israel, landing Netanyahu in a political minefield.

“Because of narrow political considerat­ions, you chose the alliance with the (ultra-orthodox) over an alliance with the Zionist majority,” Mofaz, Israel’s vice-premier, wrote in his letter of resignatio­n to Netanyahu.

Military service is a rite of passage for many Israelis, who view the army as a core element of national identity and the essential bulwark against the country’s Arab and Islamic adversarie­s.

Jewish men and women in Israel are drafted at the age of 18 for threeand two-year stints and public pressure from the secular majority has mounted for a more equal sharing of the military burden.

But weeks of negotiatio­ns between Kadima and Netanyahu’s right-wing Likud Party on the language of a new conscripti­on law ended in disagreeme­nt over issues such as how many seminary students to draft and at what age.

The Supreme Court ruled in February a temporary law that codified the exemptions was unconstitu­tional and set an Aug. 1 deadline for its expiry.

“I am sorry about your decision to forgo the opportunit­y to make a historical change,” Netanyahu wrote in reply to Mofaz’s letter.

“After 64 years (of Israeli independen­ce) we were very close to a real change in sharing the burden … I explained to you that the only way to implement it would be gradually, without tearing up Israeli society, particular­ly in a time at which Israel is facing … significan­t challenges.”

Defence Minister Ehud Barak said without a new law in place past regulation­s that made military service compulsory for all, except most of Israel’s Arab citizens, would go into effect and the army would de- cide who to enlist in accordance with its needs.

That would effectivel­y give the military the option of not calling up the ultra-Orthodox or limiting the number of seminary student recruits.

In the early days of the state, Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion agreed to exempt about 400 pious students from military service so they could devote themselves to lifetime study of the main Jewish scriptures.

Now that number has grown to about 60,000 men supported by state handouts, occasional work and donations from family and friends.

With Kadima in his coalition, Netanyahu controlled 94 parliament­ary seats. His alliance with the centrist party was portrayed at the time as an opportunit­y for a new push – which has yet to materializ­e – for a resumption of peace talks with the Palestinia­ns.

The majority will now be scaled back to 66, a margin that was widely seen as comfortabl­e until the conscripti­on dispute led to moves in May for an early election in September and the surprise formation of the grand coalition that ended talk of a ballot.

For Kadima’s Mofaz, the move back into opposition holds its own uncertaint­ies.

Kadima’s former leader, Ehud Olmert, who resigned as prime minister in 2008 to battle corruption charges, was acquitted last week of the main accusation­s against him, sparking talk of a political comeback, though Olmert has said he is not interested.

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