Montreal Gazette

Al Pacino will star in movie about Joe Paterno

- DOUG CAMILLI camillimai­

Of course there will be a movie about the Joe Paterno story. And it could turn out to be a good one: Nikki Finke of Deadline Hollywood says Al Pacino has agreed to star.

Paterno’s career as head football coach at Penn State University from 1966-2011 made him an immortal in college sports. But then the world learned that he had helped cover up for a pedophile assistant coach. Paterno died in disgrace in January.

The script, being shopped around to studios with Pacino attached, is based on Joe Posnanski’s biography Paterno. Rick Nicita, Pacino’s manager, will produce.

No word yet on who will play the pervert, Jerry Sandusky.

There goes the neighbourh­ood:

Kristen Stewart has bought a $4.8-million, 5,800-square-foot Malibu beach house, RadarOnlin­e reports. Well, strictly speaking, her mom, Jules Mann Stewart, bought it, but Kristen will live there.

Actor Michael Madsen, who’s in about half the movies you see, is now also in some legal trouble, after a driving-under-the-influence arrest in Malibu.

When his Pontiac GTO with red flame decals was stopped for his erratic driving on the Pacific Coast Highway, the actor scored a .20 on the breathalyz­er, well above the legal .08, TMZ reports. He’s out on $15,000 bail.

In March, you may recall, Madsen was charged with this and that after an argument with one of his kids who was found with marijuana. He’s 54.

Lifestyles of the rich and selfimport­ant:

Jennifer Lopez has passed instructio­ns down to the Dull Normals building her big new home in San Fernando, Calif.: do not speak to Ms. Lopez:

The Daily Star, in England, dug this one up. The paper’s source says Jenny From the Gated Community “has made it clear that if any of the contractor­s, drivers or domestic help made eye contact or speak to her she will not be impressed.”

Annals of philosophy:

In that TV interview the other day, Demi Lovato explained about being blond, as she is these days:

“I think this is my favourite right now, just because, you know, it’s the colour I have right now and I don’t feel like changing it.”

So Peyton Manning, the NFL star, had dinner a while ago at the Angus Barn, a steak house in Raleigh, N.C. (Try the 22-ounce/625 gram prime rib for $38.)

His $739 bill, when he got it, had a big red rubber stamped notice: “18 per cent gratuity included” but he added a $200 tip anyway, which I think makes him really generous or really crazy, or maybe both.

Anyway, the waiter got all excited and posted online a photo of part of the receipt — not showing the date or the number of diners or what they had — and promptly got fired for it. Triangle Business News, a local magazine, quotes manager Van Eure calling the violation of a customer’s privacy “just horrible.”

The moral, says, which had the story: if you get a big tip, keep it secret.

 ?? GARY GERSHOFF/ GETTY IMAGES ?? Jennifer Lopez speaks at a fundraisin­g dinner in New York this week; apparently, the star is not so open to being spoken to.
GARY GERSHOFF/ GETTY IMAGES Jennifer Lopez speaks at a fundraisin­g dinner in New York this week; apparently, the star is not so open to being spoken to.
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