Montreal Gazette


FELECIA CRISTINA COJANU AND HER HUSBAND had been trying to conceive a child for three years before nearly giving up in frustratio­n and heartache.

- Story by AARON DERFEL The Gazette

She was 35 years old and in robust health when she first found out she was pregnant. But her joy at the prospect of starting a family soon gave way to despair after learning her pregnancy was ectopic, with the fetus growing outside her uterus.

She became pregnant two more times, and miscarried each time, and by then she was 38, knowing that her chances of giving birth were dwindling with each passing year.

“It was like I was in mourning,” Cojanu said of her miscarriag­es. “It was very difficult, both physically and psychologi­cally. We were losing hope.”

That’s when Cojanu, an immigrant from Romania who works as a nurse’s aide at Hôtel-Dieu Hospital, learned of Quebec’s new program of government­funded in vitro fertilizat­ion (IVF), a treatment that used to cost tens of thousands of dollars.

She booked an appointmen­t with the McGill Reproducti­ve Centre and met with the medical director, Hananel Holzer, in October 2010 — two months after the government program was launched.

Although he made no promises, Holzer told her she was a candidate for IVF. She became pregnant after her first IVF treatment in January 2011, but six weeks into the pregnancy she lost the baby. Holzer carried out more tests and discovered a polyp in her uterus that was removed surgically. Still, the second IVF attempt failed.

However, the third IVF try with a single embryo was the charm, and on May 11 this year, Cojanu, at age 40, gave birth to a girl weighing four kilograms at the Royal Victoria Hospital.

“I was never able to really feel happy until the very end, until I had my baby in my arms,” she said of her daughter, Karla Elena.

“Dr. Holzer, he’s not a person, he’s an angel,” she added. “And without this program, I would never have been able to afford IVF, and my life would never have been fulfilled 100 per cent.”

Cojanu is among thousands of Quebecers — many from low-income back- grounds, including single women — who have taken advantage of what is known officially as the Quebec Program of Assisted Procreatio­n — the only one of its kind in North America. Manitoba and Ontario, which used to cover IVF during the 1990s, are closely monitoring the Quebec model before deciding whether to follow suit.

The rationale behind the Quebec program was to drasticall­y reduce what some observers have described as an “epidemic of twins and triplets” since the first testtube baby, Louise Brown, was born in England in 1978. And on that score, Quebec has succeeded beyond all expectatio­ns, experts say, slashing the rate of multiple pregnancie­s from 30 per cent in 2009 to 7.9 per this year.

No other country that funds IVF, including Sweden, Belgium and Denmark, has achieved such results in so short a span of time, said Véronique Robert, editor of Creating Families magazine.

“The reduction in multiples is absolutely incredible, and it hasn’t been emphasized enough that Quebec is now in the forefront in the world for the low rate of multiple births,” Robert said.

Previously, couples had to pay for IVF and often demanded that fertility doctors transfer as many as four embryos to the uterus of a woman to boost her chances of getting pregnant. This led to a boom in twins and triplets.

Under the government program, however, only single transfers of embryos are covered, with few exceptions. This requiremen­t has revolution­ized the way fertility medicine is practised in Quebec, as physicians are no longer under pressure

“I think it’s just a wonderful opportunit­y that anybody can use these technologi­es right now.”


to transfer multiple embryos against their better clinical judgment.

“For years, the mission of fertility doctors was to reduce the number of multiples,” said Holzer, of the McGill Reproducti­ve Centre, explaining that many twins and triplets are born prematurel­y and are in urgent need of neonatal intensive care.

“For years, there were efforts to increase the use of elective single embryo transfers, but in 2009 only 1.6 per cent of (IVF) transfers in Quebec were elective single embryos.

Yet within a few months of changing the regulation­s in Quebec, it went up to almost 50 per cent.”

Despite the success in curbing multiple pregnancie­s, Quebec’s program is going through some sharp growing pains — including an unexpected jump in costs as well as ethical controvers­ies revolving around decisions on whether to approve IVF for women who might be psychologi­cally unstable.

What’s more, the program has provoked bitter feuding between public and private fertility clinics, with both sides accusing each other of manipulati­ng their success rates to curry favour with the government. The operators of private clinics, in particular, feel let down by the government for initially turning to them for support in getting the program started, only to devote more resources later to the public centres.

Yet staff at the public and private clinics are in agreement that covering IVF under medicare was a good idea.

“I love that we have a diverse sampling of patients,” said Dr. Janet Takefman, director of psychologi­cal services at the McGill centre.

“You know, treating the elite never sat well with me. Before, it was those who could afford it had children and those who couldn’t didn’t. I think it’s just a wonderful opportunit­y that anybody can use these technologi­es right now.”

Takefman is also relieved that she rarely provides psychologi­cal counsellin­g to women who are pregnant with twins or triplets as a result of the IVF transfer of several embryos, and who might be considerin­g the wrenching decision of “multi-fetal reduction” — aborting one or two fetuses. That dark side of assisted reproducti­ve technologi­es was seldom discussed publicly before the government program.

Still, Takefman and other psychologi­sts are confronted with more couples than before who haven’t educated themselves about all the pros and cons of IVF, as well as women who might not be prepared psychologi­cally for the responsibi­lity of raising a child. The sheer increase in the IVF caseload — at the McGill centre it has more than doubled — has put a greater strain on counsellin­g resources.

Dr. Jacques Kadoch, chief of reproducti­ve medicine at the Centre hospitalie­r de l’université de Montréal, said he didn’t expect that he would truly need the services of a psychologi­st or social worker when he inaugurate­d his public clinic in December 2011.

But Kadoch makes it a policy of meeting monthly with his clinic’s psychologi­st, as well as a medical ethicist, to ponder the more difficult cases. He noted that this year he had to obtain a legal opinion before rejecting an IVF request from an HIV-infected woman who has children in Africa and who wanted to get pregnant with sperm from an anonymous donor.

“Does she have the parental capacity?” he asked. “Can we say yes to her or no to her? Do we even have the right to say yes or the right to say no? Those are decisions that are too weighty for the doctor to take all alone, and these are situations that we did not have before.”

The McGill centre’s ethical judgment was called into question on Monday amid news reports that doctors there approved artificial inseminati­on for a 37-year-old woman with a criminal record of violence who is suffering from major depression, anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorders. The woman was inseminate­d with sperm from an anonymous donor, which by law, requires screening by a psychologi­st.

The woman gave birth last October, and her child was quickly transferre­d under the care of the Director of Youth Protection. She hasn’t seen her child since.

The Gazette has learned that the woman first approached the private Clinique OVO on Décarie Blvd., but was turned down after a psychologi­st determined that her mental illnesses were so severe that she lacked the reasoning capacity to raise a child. She tried another private clinic and was rebuffed before turning to the McGill clinic.

Holzer and other officials with the McGill University Health Centre refused to comment on the case, citing patient confidenti­ality rules.

However, Holzer said that “in general, if a patient lies to the doctor or the psychologi­st, there’s nothing we can do about it.”

The McGill centre is the busiest fertility clinic in the province, and is on track to carry out more than 2,000 IVF cycles this year, up from an annual average of 900 before the government program.

During the same period, the clinic has decreased its rate of multiple pregnancie­s from 30 per cent to 3.17 per cent. And it has done all this without having to double its resources, Holzer said.

By comparison, OVO boasts the lowest rate of multiple pregnancie­s of any centre in the province, at 2.4 per cent, suggesting that it runs perhaps the best and most efficient fertility clinic.

But in a sign of mutual distrust between the private and public clinics, the director of OVO, Dr. François Bissonnett­e, has raised doubts about the accuracy of the McGill figures, while Holzer contends that OVO might be excluding some potential patients from IVF treatment to yield better results.

For example, McGill will perform IVF in women up to age 43, while at OVO the cutoff age is 42 years, six months. Holzer said that OVO might be using more five-day-old embryos — considered to be the best-quality embryos — for transfer to the uterus to inflate the clinic’s pregnancy rate.

(OVO reports an “overall pregnancy rate of 43 per cent” following IVF. The McGill centre’s IVF pregnancy rates are 41 per cent for women younger than 37, 37 per cent for age 37-40 and 15 per cent for women older than 40.)

But not all embryos created in the lab survive up to five days, and that could mean that some women face inadverten­t “cancellati­ons” in their IVF treatment, Holzer explained.

In addition to the disputed stats by the public and private clinics, costs associated with the IVF program have fallen under close scrutiny. Quebec initially projected that the program would cost $64 million over five years. However, documents obtained by The Gazette reveal that the government has revised those projection­s to more than $123 million — and those figures don’t include the fees paid for IVF procedures in Montreal’s four private clinics.

When the government establishe­d the program, the vast majority of IVF cycles were performed in private clinics, which charged Quebec $7,600 per procedure. This year, the government cut the fees to private clinics to $3,600 per cycle.

At the same time, Quebec set out to expand the public network, and on Sept. 20, Sainte-Justine Hospital opened its clinic, to the consternat­ion of the private operators who argue there’s no need to invest tax dollars in a third public clinic in the city.

“We are doing half the cycles we expected at the CHUM clinic, and the government is going ahead with a new clinic at Sainte-Justine,” said Kadoch, who is also a partner in OVO.

“Quebec is the champion, in terms of IVF, and everyone wants to follow us. But this success can turn into a failure by decisions that are being taken that are purely administra­tive.”

On a Wednesday afternoon, a reporter strolled through an empty waiting room at the CHUM clinic, housed on the second floor of Place Dupuis, with not a single patient in sight.

Mélanie Dallaire, a spokespers­on for Sainte-Justine, disputed Kadoch’s contention that a third public centre is unnecessar­y, saying the Côte-Sainte-Catherine Rd. hospital was given a research and clinical mandate by the government.

The rising costs of the government program have prompted some critics to question the wisdom of publicly funded IVF in a health system that’s strapped for funds. Some have speculated that the program is being driven by non-medical considerat­ions, like a desire to boost the province’s low birth rate.

Such criticism doesn’t make sense, argued Robert, of Creating Families magazine. First, infertilit­y has been recognized by the World Health Organizati­on as a genuine medical problem, she said. And second, a growing body of evidence has shown that publicly funded IVF not only pays for itself, but saves the government tens of millions of dollars in extra medical expenses.

A cost-benefit analysis by health economist Lindy Forte predicts that during the first five years of the program, the cumulative savings in lower neonatal costs will reach $282 million. Three years ago, neonatal intensive-care wards were filled to 140-per-cent capacity. Today, those same wards don’t exceed their capacity.

A study this year by Swiss economist Mark Connolly was much more conservati­ve about the savings. Nonetheles­s, the study concluded that under Quebec’s old policy of providing a 50 per-cent tax credit to those who paid for IVF, the cost per baby to the state was $62,295, and now it’s $59,980.

Beyond the dollars, though, Robert insisted that it’s the patient outcomes that count most, with fewer high-risk multiple pregnancie­s and fewer pre-term babies born with cerebral palsy and other anomalies.

As for Cojanu, who relishes every moment with her daughter, the program gives immigrants like herself the opportunit­y to integrate more fully into Quebec society.

“There are a lot of couples in Montreal who are newly arrived from other countries, and they have to work and take lessons at school,” she said. “If they had to save the money to pay for IVF, it would take them many years. I’m 40 years old and if I had to wait a few more years to save the money, it would have been impossible to get pregnant.”

 ?? JOHN KENNEY/ THE GAZETTE ?? “Without this program, I would never have been able to afford IVF, and my life would never have been fulfilled 100 per cent,” says Felecia Cristina Cojanu, with husband Cristian and baby Karla, who was born in May after in vitro fertilizat­ion...
JOHN KENNEY/ THE GAZETTE “Without this program, I would never have been able to afford IVF, and my life would never have been fulfilled 100 per cent,” says Felecia Cristina Cojanu, with husband Cristian and baby Karla, who was born in May after in vitro fertilizat­ion...
 ?? KACPER PEMPEL/ REUTERS FILE PHOTO ?? Critics have speculated the Quebec Program of Assisted Procreatio­n is being driven by non-medical considerat­ions, like a desire to boost the province’s low birth rate.
KACPER PEMPEL/ REUTERS FILE PHOTO Critics have speculated the Quebec Program of Assisted Procreatio­n is being driven by non-medical considerat­ions, like a desire to boost the province’s low birth rate.
 ?? COURTESY OF MCGILL UNIVERSITY HEALTH CENTRE ?? “For years, the mission of fertility doctors was to reduce the number of multiples,” says Hananel Holzer, medical director of the McGill Reproducti­ve Centre.
COURTESY OF MCGILL UNIVERSITY HEALTH CENTRE “For years, the mission of fertility doctors was to reduce the number of multiples,” says Hananel Holzer, medical director of the McGill Reproducti­ve Centre.

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