Montreal Gazette

A reasonable Romney gets some new traction

- ANDREW COYNE Twitter: @acoyne

You knew it was going to be a good night for Mitt from the opening statements. The candidate began with a joke (congratula­ting the president on his wedding anniversar­y: “I’m sure this was the most romantic place you could imagine”), then went straight to work making his pitch to the American people: If you’re unemployed, or you’re worried about your job, I can help. “My plan has five basic parts …”

People like me might point out that the “plan” is mostly fond hopes and vague ambitions, lent an illusion of precision by the comically simple trick of attaching a number to them (“Get energy independen­t. That creates about four million jobs”). But in presentati­onal terms, it was spot on. People don’t want to hear you tear the other guy down. They want to hear what you’d do.

It was that way for most of the night. Romney was focused, upbeat, energetic, in command — everything Obama wasn’t. Above all he was reasonable: a far cry from the caricature the Democratic campaign has been working hard to make of him, as a candidate so hopelessly out of touch, so obliged to his party’s ideologues, so flat-out weird that he could not be trusted with the garden shears, let alone the economy.

This image of Romney will be burned into the retinas of the viewing audience, or rather superimpos­ed on top of the rest. Election campaigns present the public with a series of exposures of a candidate, not so much a moving picture as a composite portrait. We are given little bits of informatio­n about the candidate at a time, sometimes by design, sometimes by accident, until at length they coalesce into something more or less complete in our minds.

People are actually quite good at this. We do it all the time, after all: meet people, take the measure of them, decide whether they are on the level. It’s built into us. That does not change just because we are watching them on television, rather than meeting them in the flesh. Granted, it takes more exposures — we get less informatio­n from a single viewing than we might in person. But repeat the process often enough and people are able to form remarkably accurate impression­s.

Wednesday night’s debate would have been for many Americans their first sustained exposure to the challenger. For others, it was the chance to pull together the several disparate pictures of him they have been offered: competent businessma­n, cloistered plutocrat, pleasant family man, robotic sloganeer, decent church-goer, ruthless opportunis­t. What they saw on the night was a suddenly formidable candidate.

What changed? Was this a new Mitt, or simply the real Mitt? Much has been made of his supposed pivots — flip-flops, if you prefer, or as still others might prefer, lies — on policy. There’s no doubt he was attempting to reach out to centrist voters: that’s what candidates generally do. But if he had really watered down his policies to such an extent, it would be hard to explain why he received such enthusiast­ic reviews from the right, even the hard right.

Charles Krauthamme­r scored it “a two-touchdown win” for Romney. William Kristol said it was the best performanc­e by a Republican in a debate since Reagan. Pat Buchanan called it the best debate by a candidate of either party since Nixon and Kennedy in 1960. And yet Romney’s showing was praised equally by that avatar of reasonable­ness, David Brooks.

I think what we saw from Romney was a demonstrat­ion of the art of the pure pivot: not changing his policies (though he has done plenty of that in the past), but simply turning a different face of himself to the public. It is true that, nomination in hand, he does not need to pander to the Republican base any more. But that does not mean he has abandoned them. The policies remain the same. He has just found a different language to explain them.

The “backtrack” on tax cuts, for example, that some commentato­rs found confusing is easily explained. While he would cut tax rates across the board, including for the richest taxpayers, he would not reduce tax revenues, the amount of tax collected, either overall or from the rich. That is, the lower rates would apply to a much broader base, with many current credits and deductions eliminated. To be sure, he hasn’t begun to spell these out, and it is a matter of dispute whether he can find enough to make his numbers add up. But his position is logically coherent.

Likewise on financial regulation. It may seem contradict­ory that the candidate of repeal of Dodd-Frank began his answer to a question on that score with a hymn to the need for regulation, but only if you think the alternativ­e to excessive or poorly-considered regulation is no regulation at all. Romney wasn’t flipfloppi­ng here, but laying down boundaries — I’m not an anarchist — gaining him a hearing from the uncommitte­d.

And so on down the line. I thought he did well explaining his position on Medicare (no change for current recipients, a choice of the government plan or competing private option for future retirees) and came as close as he has yet to squaring his opposition to Obamacare with the near-identical plan he introduced as governor of Massachuse­tts. Old Romney: It’s socialism. New Romney: What worked for us in Massachuse­tts might not work for others. Leave it to the states.

All in all, it was a strong outing, the best I’ve seen from Romney, ever. I don’t think he necessaril­y made the case against Obama. But he gave permission to those who were already thinking of leaving Obama to cross over to him.

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