Montreal Gazette

‘French-only’ sign is insulting


Re: “Métro station sign breaks rule, STM says” (Gazette, Oct. 5)

As an anglophone, I am completely insulted by the sign in the métro saying “Au Québec, c’est en français que ça se passe!” (In Quebec, we do things in French.)

Moreover, I would like to see the study the STM commission­ed that determined that ticket-booth workers and bus drivers don’t need to know English to do their jobs. How much did that study cost? What did they study? It is a no-brainer that people working with the public should have at least a basic knowledge of English. What about our tourism industry? Maybe we should allow only French-speaking people to visit our province!

I am not a militant anglophone, but lately, I find myself getting angry.

Somehow, if you are insulting English people, it is viewed as “language tension.” This sounds so much better than using the term “racist.” Well, I think we should call a spade a spade. Posting signs stating that only French is acceptable is racist.

I look forward to finding out what type of reprimand the employee who posted the sign will get. I suspect it will be a slap on the wrist.

I am sick and tired of feeling like a second-class citizen in my own province. If Bill 101 allows employers to require a knowledge of English for certain jobs, the STM should be logical — obviously this section of Bill 101 was geared toward employees who deal directly with the public.

Bill 101 severely limits English rights, but let’s at least stand up for the few rights it leaves us. Janet Scullion


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