Montreal Gazette

sunday’s Horoscope


BIRTHDAY GUY: Actor Brandon Quinn was born in Aurora, Colo., on this date in 1977. This birthday guy starred in the short-lived series “Against the Wall,” as well as appearing in recurring roles on “Entourage” and “The O.C.” He’s also gueststarr­ed on episodes of “The Vampire Diaries,” “Without a Trace” and “CSI.” Early in his career, Quinn played the lupine star of “Big Wolf on Campus” from 1999-2002.

ARIES (March 21-April 19): Enjoy every moment you have. There are no rewinds, only flashbacks. The urge to mingle is strong during the week to come, so be sure to plan on attending social affairs and get-togethers.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20): They say that a sucker is born every minute, but the only sucker you care about is a lollipop. Even the smartest person can fall for a scam, but you have the advantage of wise advice in the upcoming week.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Play for keeps. In the week ahead, you can count on promises being fulfilled and apologies being accepted. Acting on generous impulses and striving to be a pillar of cooperatio­n will not be regretted.

CANCER (June 21-July 22): Accomplish­ment builds self-esteem and confidence. Look around you and see what you have built up over the past few years. Take pride in your bank balance as well as your values in the upcoming week.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Your life is a canvas, so make sure you paint yourself a whole lot of colorful days in the week ahead. Embrace every opportunit­y, no matter how small, and you may create lasting improvemen­ts to brighten your life.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Impulsiven­ess is your undoing. You know there are some things and people you should avoid. In the week ahead, spend time with people who are good for you while doing things that make you happy.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Approach, but don’t reproach. Make it your mission to be as fair as possible when dealing with others in the week to come. Although you might overstep the bounds of propriety, apologies will be accepted.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): The secret to success is to know where to find the informatio­n and how to use it. In the week ahead, you can easily improve your bottom line by ferreting out the details and putting them to good use.

SAGITTARIU­S (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Hit the ground running. In the week ahead, you will be able to see what is most important to you and might receive several opportunit­ies to form bonds with people who have your best interests at heart.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Do not confuse motion and progress. A rocking horse keeps moving, but does not go anywhere. In the week to come, be sure that your activities and ideas have a genuine purpose and you will succeed.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): The smallest act of kindness is more powerful than the best intention. In the week to come, you can help the unfortunat­e, make a donation or just do something nice for someone without being asked.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Your destiny is not fated; you have some control. This week, you might be tempted to make an impulsive change when loved ones don’t measure up to your expectatio­ns. Ask for advice from a friend first.

IF OCTOBER 7 IS YOUR BIRTHDAY: You might appear to have your finger on the pulse of the business world between now and the mid-November. Good advisers and friendly advice can steer you clear of anyone, or anything, unsuitable. Because you can anticipate the ups and downs of commercial concerns and since your judgment is sound, you might do better than usual with investment­s or business strategies. In January and March, be sure that you pursue viable goals and that you don’t get caught up in a romantic wild goose chase. Next April a period of opportunit­ies and luck returns, so plan ahead so that you can use that month to put key plans into motion.

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