Montreal Gazette

Late start raising family complicate­s retirement plans

- By An drew Al lentuck

Recently married, an Alberta couple we’ ll call Michael, 43, and Lucy, 29, have a house with a current market value of $500,000, two cars and a baby on the way.

They pay for it all with two jobs that give them a combined takehome income of $9,815 per month, including Michael’s annual bonus.

It’s a late start for the couple. They have total assets of $744,500 but liabilitie­s of $335,500, most of which is their $318,000 mortgage.

Methodical to a fault, Michael, who is treasurer for a small company, wants to be sure that they have enough money on hand to pay for the arrival of their first child early next year, to cover the loss of income while Lucy, a social worker doing an MBA, is on maternity leave, and certainty that they can cover their loan payments when her income stops.

“I am confused and nervous about what to do,” Michael explains. “It looks like we are going to have to sell the house to downsize and thereby reduce our expenses. I don’t want to spend more than we have coming in, I don’t want to pile on more debt, and I want to budget for our first child.”

Family Finance asked Derek Moran, head of Smarter Financial Planning Ltd. in Kelowna, B.C., to work with Michael and Lucy. In his view, though they have got a late start on building up their net worth, they have the advantages of substantia­l income, moderate debts and a strong sense of personal organizati­on.

Cash management Problems will arise when Lucy takes maternity leave. Her $3,000 monthly take-home pay will stop for a year and will be replaced with maternity benefits of $1,600 per month. The $1,400 monthly difference can be made up by cutting savings of $1,070 per month for their emergency account, RRSPs and TFSAs. They can make up the shortfall after Lucy finishes her graduate degree. She expects to earn $80,000 to $90,000 per year.

There are some loan payments that will have to be covered while Lucy is on maternity leave. The couple has the resources to do that, Mr. Moran says. They can use $17,500 of cash to pay off their $8,400 car loan, their $3,100 line of credit and their $1,600 credit card balance.

With that done, they will still have $4,400 in cash.

They can gain disposable income with a bit of asset juggling. They can sell $3,000 of non-registered investment­s and use the cash to make a contributi­on for Michael’s RRSP. He will wind up with a 36% tax refund, $1,080 in this case, and fill a small part of his $45,000 of RRSP contributi­on space.

The child, due to be born in early 2013, should have a Registered Education Savings Plan. If the parents contribute $208 per month or $2,500 per year, they will qualify for the maximum $500 Canada Education Savings Grant. If they maintain contributi­ons to age 18 and obtain a 3% return after inflation, the plan will have $72,350 in 2012 dollars when their child begins post-secondary studies.

RetiRement plans Retirement for Michael and Lucy is two and three decades in the future. Neverthele­ss, using today’s numbers, some prediction­s are possible.

The couple can gain cash flow if Michael stops $400 RRSP contributi­ons in the near future but continues to add his annual $16,740 bonus to his RRSP to age 65. He also has a company defined-contributi­on pension that grows by $13,416 per year with his and his employer’s contributi­ons. The two contributi­ons add up to $30,156 per year. That flow plus the present $185,000 of personal and company retirement accounts will grow to $1,275,350 in 22 years at 3% after inflation.

If this capital continues to grow and is withdrawn at a rate of $55,900 every year for 39 years beginning when Michael is 65, and, assuming as well, that Lucy retires at the same time, the capital would last to her age 90. If, however, she were to work to age 60 and use her income to support the family, then the withdrawal period would be shorter and registered savings would sustain $67,000 per year of withdrawal­s for the next 30 years. Lucy’s own RRSP and other savings from a new career yet to begin cannot be estimated and are therefore not counted.

At retirement, Michael should have earned the maximum CPP benefit of $11,840 per year. Lucy, Mr. Moran estimates, will earn 70% of the maximum or $8,288. At age 67, both Michael and Lucy will be eligible for full Old Age Security, currently $6,540 per year. Adding up their retirement income components, they will have at least $55,900 investment income, $20,128 of CPP benefits, and $13,080 of OAS benefits for total retirement income of $89,108 per year. Any non-registered savings would add to that income. Given his career objectives and the probable success Lucy will have in her own management career, their pre-tax retirement income should be about $100,000 per year, Mr. Moran suggests.

The couple can raise one child in relative security, provide for postsecond­ary education, and retire with a comfortabl­e income. “Michael and Lucy may be anxious about their incomes, but they will be among the haves, not the have-nots. Their careers, their caution, and their foresight make that likely.”

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