Montreal Gazette

New bill redefines treason in Russia

Critics say law brands all dissenters as traitors


MOSCOW — Russia’s lower house of parliament on Tuesday quickly rubber-stamped a new bill widely expanding the definition of high treason. Critics alleged the legislatio­n is part of a wider crackdown on dissent by President Vladimir Putin, who has already pushed through laws targeting street protests, aid organizati­ons and opposition leaders.

Current law describes high treason as espionage or other assistance to a foreign state damaging Russia’s external security. The new bill expands it to include moves against Russia’s “constituti­onal order, sovereignt­y and territoria­l and state integrity.”

The bill, drafted by the Federal Security Service, the main KGB successor agency, also changes the interpreta­tion of treason to include activities such as financial or consultati­ve assistance to a foreign state or an internatio­nal organizati­on.

The bill, which the lower house, the State Duma, overwhelmi­ngly approved Tuesday, is certain to quickly sail through the equally pliant upper house before Putin signs it into law. It keeps the punishment of up to 20 years in prison used by the current law.

Rights activists have warned the new bill is so loosely worded that

“It would allow them to put any civil activist, let alone rights defender, in custody.”


it would allow the government to brand any dissenter a traitor.

“It would allow them to put any civil activist, let alone rights defender, in custody,” said Lev Ponomaryov, a veteran Russian rights activist. “It will place a sword over the head of anyone who is maintainin­g contacts with foreigners.”

The socialist Just Russia Party was the only Duma faction that didn’t vote for the bill, although it stopped short of voting against it. Just Russia Leader Sergei Mironov voiced concern that the bill’s loose wording could allow the authoritie­s to use it to stifle dissent.

Russia’s rights ombudsman, Vladimir Lukin, also criticized the bill, saying it would free investigat­ors of the need to prove that a suspect inflicted any actual damage to the nation’s security.

Putin has clamped down on the opposition following a series of major street rallies against his reelection to a third term as president in March. The Russian leader has claimed that the protests were staged by Washington to weaken Russia, and he filled his campaign with anti-U.S. rhetoric.

New repressive laws have been passed to deter people from joining protests, and opposition activists have been subject to searches and interrogat­ions.

One of the laws, passed this summer, obliged non-government­al organizati­ons that receive foreign funding and engage in vaguely defined political activity to register as “foreign agents,” which is intended to destroy their credibilit­y among Russians.

This month, Moscow declared an end to the U.S. Agency for Internatio­nal Developmen­t’s two decades of work in Russia, saying the agency was using its money to influence elections, a claim the U.S. denied.

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