Montreal Gazette

China hints at reforms

Removal of references to Mao Zedong may signal thaw


BEIJING — The subtle dropping of references to late Chinese leader Mao Zedong from two policy statements over the past few weeks serves as one of the most intriguing hints yet that the ruling Communist Party is planning to move in the direction of reform.

Mao has always been held up as an ideologica­l great in party communiqué­s, his name mentioned almost by default in homage to his role in founding modern China and leading the Communist Party, whose rule from the 1949 revolution remains unbroken.

Which is why the dropping of the words “Mao Zedong Thought” from two recent statements by the party’s elite politburo ahead of a landmark congress, at which a newgenerat­ionof leaderswil­l take the top party posts, has attracted so much attention.

Also absent were normally standard references to Marxism-Leninism.

The omission in the latest such statement by the powerful decision-making body, a Monday announceme­nt that the congress next month would discuss amending the party’s constituti­on, has seen by some as sending a signal about its intent on reform. One of the constituti­on’s key platforms is Mao thought.

“It’s very significan­t,” Zheng Yongnian, the director of the East Asian Institute at the National University of Singapore, said of the removal of a reference to Mao Zedong Thought and the implicatio­ns of that for the direction leaders were taking.

The wording has in the past talked about “holding high the banner of Mao Ze- dong Thought and MarxismLen­inism” in carrying out the party’s work, and is often included at the end of statements almost as a mantra.

But the latest two statements mentioned only that the party should follow “Deng Xiaoping theory,” the “three represents” and the “scientific developmen­t concept.”

Late paramount leader Deng Xiaoping introduced the idea that China can be both communist and have market-based reforms, while the “three represents” refers to former president Jiang Zemin’s policy, which formally allowed capitalist­s to join the party.

The last idea is current President Hu Jintao’s thinking of promoting more rounded economic developmen­t.

Mao Zedong Thought adapted the original theories of Marxism that grew out of industrial Europe to the conditions of largely rural China when Mao took over in 1949.

“Before the fall of Bo Xilai, that direction was not so clear. But now it’s become quite clear. I mean, less Maoism, but more Dengism,” Zheng said.

Bo, a former high-flying politician supported by leftists, was ousted this year in China’s biggest political scandal in two decades.

By removing Mao Zedong Thought, the top leaders were signalling a push for reforms, Zheng said, in the same way Deng introduced landmark market reforms in the late 1970s that turned China from a backwater into an economic powerhouse.

There was also no reference made to Mao Thought in a previous announceme­nt on the date of the party congress.

Doctrinal difference­s be- tween reformist and leftist factions reflect an internal debate about the direction of the new leadership whose taking up of the reins of power starts at the congress opening in Beijing on Nov. 8.

The debate has been under the spotlight since the rise and subsequent fall of Bo, who, as party boss of the southweste­rn city of Chongqing, drew support from leftists critical of aspects of the market-based reform agenda.

China heads into the congress with the economy heading for its slowest annual growth rate in at least 13years, while social stresses, such as anger over corruption, land grabs and unmet welfare de- mands, stir protests.

State media, as well as experts close to the government, have made increasing­ly strident calls for bold reform to avoid a crisis, though nobody seriously expects a move toward full democracy.

This week, for example, the Study Times, a newspaper published by the Central Party School, which trains rising officials, lauded Singapore’s form of closely managed democracy and its longruling main party for having genuine popular support.

“If you want to win people’s hearts and their support, you have to have a government that serves the people,” it wrote.

 ?? PHILIPPE LOPEZ/ AFP/GETTY IMAGES ?? The words “Mao Zedong Thought” did not appear in two recent statements by the Communist Party’s elite politburo.
PHILIPPE LOPEZ/ AFP/GETTY IMAGES The words “Mao Zedong Thought” did not appear in two recent statements by the Communist Party’s elite politburo.

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