Montreal Gazette

PaSSing it On

Many wealthy families drag their feet when it comes to estate planning

- Mi chael Na irNe Serious Money Michael Nairne is the president of Tacita Capital Inc., a private family office and investment­counsellin­g firm in Toronto. Visit tacitacapi­

amindfulne­ss of mortality is sweeping through Baby Boomers as their parents age and pass away. Heretofore so adept at turning back the clock ... isn’t 60 the new 40?

But Baby Boomers are waking up to the fact that some passages just can’t be postponed. This newfound awareness combined with their own children reaching adulthood have focused many wealthy Boomers on the need to overhaul their own wealth transfer plans.

Wealth transfer is a complex affair for wealthy families. It involves the planning and execution of a strategy to shift the wealth created by the current and/or prior generation­s, into the possession and control of the next or even subsequent generation­s. The range of issues involved can be sweeping — family values, objectives and relationsh­ips; business continuity; portfolio strategy; insurance, taxes and ownership structures — to name a few. At the same time, questions of control, responsibi­lity and timing are raised.

It is not surprising that many wealthy families drag their feet in addressing this topic. A survey by the SEI Wealth Network of more than 100 families with an average net worth of more than $20million found that the majority, some 54%, did not have a wealth transfer plan in place. Our own experience is that a staged approach can avoid procrastin­ation.

Here are the six main elements involved in moving forward.

1. Begin with a family dialogue

The ultimate purpose of material financial wealth is to empower its holders to pursue the fulfilment of goals across the spectrum of human endeavors — academic, profession­al, commercial, artistic, athletic, avocationa­l, and philanthro­pic. An effective wealth transfer plan therefore begins with a series of family meetings around the values and goals of both the family overall and each individual member. This dialogue is particular­ly critical when the older generation is running a family-owned business. Unless a plan for succession or sale is in place before it’s needed, the combined effect of asset concentrat­ion, illiquidit­y and tax costs can seriously deplete the family’s wealth. If none of the children is interested in or capable of running the business, it’s better to confront this reality sooner than later.

2. Use a multi-disciplina­ry team

Wealth transfer planning can involve a host of profession­als — tax and estate planning lawyers, accountant­s, insurance and investment experts, business valuators as well as business succession consultant­s. Finding the right people is just the beginning; they also have to be co-ordinated. If family members lack the time or expertise, an experience­d wealth management profession­al should be able to help.

3. Determine the amount needed to satisfy the older generation’s lifestyle requiremen­ts

The desire to assist one’s children, engage in charitable “giving while living” and reduce taxes by immediatel­y shifting assets is understand­able. However, it is vital to quantify the amount needed to fund the parents’ lifestyle before embarking on a wealth transfer.

This is no time for a backof-the-envelope calculatio­n. Today’s negligible interest rates, so-so stock valuations and potential tax increases make this number higher than many people anticipate. Sophistica­ted wealth practition­ers use simulation models that incorporat­e these realities as well as other scenarios such as es

calating inflation.

4. Assess the role of philanthro­py

“You can’t take it with you” is only too true. Wealth ultimately ends up either in the hands of family or society by way of taxation and/or charitable giving. A thoughtful philanthro­pic plan is often a key aspect of wealth transfer planning. It can redirect monies that would otherwise have been spent on taxes so as to enhance the amounts available to satisfy philanthro­pic goals. Further, a family foundation can serve as a unifying vehicle for subsequent generation­s.

5. Prepare the next generation

There are many potential pitfalls to managing substantia­l wealth. A program to educate the next generation in the fundamenta­ls of financial management can lay a firmer foundation for the responsibl­e management of wealth and avoid costly mistakes.

6. Recognize that planning is dynamic

An old plan is often a bad plan. A recent survey of ultra-affluent families in the U.S. found that more than three-quarters of their estate plans were three or more years old while a full 95% of them had experience­d significan­t life changes since their plans were completed. Plans need to be revisited periodical­ly and revised when needed.

Wealth transfer is inevitable — whether it’s planned and orderly or expensive and chaotic is a choice that today’s wealthy Boomers should make before it’s made for them.


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