Montreal Gazette

Motherhood is changing Adele

Taylor Swift finds it hard to believe love can last

- DOUG CAMILLI camillimai­

There’ll be no more sad-sack songs for Adele. No break from music, either. Now that she’s a mother she’s going to do her next album about … motherhood, the Daily Mirror reports.

I’m sure you heard about the birth of a son, last Friday, for the singer and boyfriend, Simon Konecki. (They’re not married, despite what you may have read elsewhere.)

The Mirror has Don’t Use my name quoting Adele this way: “I really want to release a happy record now. I have never been happier. I have written some stuff … ”

She’s 24. Simon’s 38.

Famous fashion designers: They’re just like us, only richer. My evidence is Vera Wang’s answer when Harper’s Bazaar asked what’s in her kitchen:

“There are two TVs. There’s an ice cream freezer, a soda fridge and a healthy fridge. There’s the liquor thing, where the vodkas are kept ice-cold. We have a candy pantry, a cereal pantry and a pantry for what I call “orange food” — Cheetos, Pepperidge Farm Goldfish, all kinds of chips. … yes, siree! It’s so fabulous, orange food.”

Oh, grow up: Taylor Swift tells the Guardian newspaper her thoughts about love: “One thing I’m really afraid of is … that magic doesn’t last. That butterflie­s and daydreams and love, all these things that I hold so dear, are going to leave some day.

“I haven’t had a relationsh­ip that’s lasted forever. I only know about them starting and ending. Those are my fears. I spend a lot of time balancing between faith and disbelief.”

She’s 22.

Nobody asked Donald Trump’s opinion, but that never stopped him before and it won’t stop him now. Via Twitter, he’s trying to warn

Katy Perry off of John Mayer: “Katy Perry is no bargain, but I don’t like John Mayer. He dates and tells. Be careful Katy (Just watch!).”

I wonder what he meant by that last part.

(Reminder: when I quote people’s tweets, I fix up the grammar and spelling and shorthand and all.)

Spotlight couple: James Franco’s latest flame is Pretty Little Liars starlet Ashley Benson, says the New York Post. They’ve been going out together for more than a month.

He’s 34. She’s 22. Liberty Ross, the cheated woman

in the Kristen Stewart-Rupert

Sanders business, did a video interview the other day at some fashion show where she was modelling. notes that while she named no names, she basically just said her life is going on:

“I have a really good balance. I’m very happy with my life, and I’m lucky. … I have two amazing children. I believe that we’re all on journeys and we are all given lessons at certain times in our lives, and sometimes when things seem really bad, you have to be able to see the good and learn from it, and just move forward. … (The scandal was) the end of some things and the beginnings of something else.”

But what has ended? She and Rupe are in marriage counsellin­g.

She’s 34, he’s 41.

 ?? KEVORK DJANSEZIAN/ GETTY IMAGES ?? Adele now has a bundle of joy to go along with the armful of Grammys she won in February.
KEVORK DJANSEZIAN/ GETTY IMAGES Adele now has a bundle of joy to go along with the armful of Grammys she won in February.
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