Montreal Gazette

Business aviation spokesman steers clear of U.S. politics

American counterpar­ts fighting new regulation­s

- FRANçOIS SHALOM THE GAZETTE fshalom@montrealga­

ORLANDO, FLA. — Sam Barone has to tread a fine line. The spokesman for Canada’s business aviation industry is just fine with Canada’s rules governing privately owned aircraft, he said during an interview Wednesday — rules more numerous and onerous than those proposed in the U.S., which his sister U.S. organizati­on is fighting with fiery rhetoric.

The two proposed measures by President Barack Obama’s administra­tion would charge mode stlanding fees — a maximum of $100 per flight — for business aircraft, and would reduce the attractive­ness of depreciati­on advantages for private jets.

That has sparked a personal war of words against Obama by the National Business Aviation Associatio­n (NBAA) lobby group at its 65th annual convention here — a continuati­on of the attack at last year’s Las Vegas meeting and at perhaps the most crucial time in the presidenti­al election campaign, which ends Tuesday.

Barone said that in Canada, private aircraft pay not only those landing fees and receive lesser depreciati­on allowances, but pay other fees besides.

“We also have user fees for airports and we have navigation (and air-traffic control fees) for Nav Canada, and we pay $20 per passenger (per flight), and by and large, it works for us.”

“But don’t propose that over there,” he quipped, pointing to the NBAA convention booth. “You’ll be punched out tout de suite.”

In the U.S., business aviation pays its way solely through an excise tax on aviation fuel, channelled through appropriat­ion funding for the Federal Aviation Administra­tion (FAA).

Barone stressed that he was not “wading into U.S. politics.”

And he noted on several occasions that he understood and sympathize­d with the NBAA’s position.

“Like them, we want to maintain an efficient cost structure. We would also love more generous depreciati­on fees. … And we do have a concern in Canada that we have one of the highest fuel excise taxes in the world. When you add it all up, in the end it comes out of corporate aviation activity.”

Danielle Boudreau of Bombardier Business Aircraft said in a previous interview that “any additional cost in our very tough internatio­nal business is not good for competitiv­ity.”

That activity is worth about $5 billion a year in Canada, excluding aircraft sales by Bombardier Inc. or engine sales by Pratt & Whitney Canada, Montreal’s two largest aerospace firms.

Pratt & Whitney Canada is one of the top engine suppliers to that industry and Bombardier is the world’s largest private aircraft manufactur­er.

AP ratt & Whitney Canada spokeswoma­n, Maria Mandato, said in an email that business and general aviation — non-airline — engines represent about half of her firm’s sales.

But Barone said that despite the heavier burden, “we haven’t had the same level of animosity with our government. On the contrary.

“We have issues we’ve had to work on with Ottawa, but we haven’t been as heated as here — in the middle of an election. We’ve never had that situation.”

Barone voiced something seldom heard in the U.S.: “We don’t mind paying our fair share of taxes for the aviation business — but we want government to reinvest some of that revenue back into the aviation industry.”

Asked if Canadian regulation­s and costs were excessive, Barone replied: “No. In Canada, our members speak up — vehemently. But at some point, we acknowledg­e that that improvemen­t fee or whatever will build a new runway in Calgary, for instance, or make sure that ramps are fixed and maintained and snow is removed.

“So yes, we want to pay our fair share. But there’s a limit. We’re not asking for new taxes.”

 ?? BLOOMBERG NEWS FILES ?? The business aviation industry is fighting a battle with the Obama administra­tion over proposed new landing fees and other regulation­s.
BLOOMBERG NEWS FILES The business aviation industry is fighting a battle with the Obama administra­tion over proposed new landing fees and other regulation­s.

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