Montreal Gazette

Some progress, but Afghan women often abused: UN

Incidents of violence remain under-reported, despite three-year-old law, report says


KABUL — Afghan women are frequent victims of abuse, despite some success by authoritie­s in prosecutin­g rape cases, forced marriages and domestic violence under a three-yearold law, according to a report issued Tuesday by the United Nations.

The report came out a day after gunmen shot and killed the head of the women’s affairs department for eastern Laghman province. Afghan officials said Najia Sediqi, who took the job after her predecesso­r was killed in a bomb attack in July, was on her way to her office when she was shot dead.

Afghanista­n enacted its Eliminatio­n of Violence Against Women law in August 2009. It criminaliz­es child marriage, selling and buying women to settle disputes, assault and more than a dozen other acts of violence and abuse against women.

The UN collected informatio­n from 22 of Afghanista­n’s 34 provinces during a 12-month period end- ing in September to find out how well the law was being implemente­d.

“Although prosecutor­s and courts were increasing­ly applying the law in a growing number of reported incidents, the overall use of the law remained low, indicating there is still a long way to go before women and girls in Afghanista­n are fully protected from violence through the law,” the report said.

Incidents of violence against women remain largely underrepor­ted because of cultural restraints, social norms and religious beliefs, according to the report.

It was filled with anecdotal evidence of abuse.

A prosecutor in a district of northern Kunduz province told the UN researcher­s, “A woman by the name of Storay was strangled and killed by her husband because of domestic violence and giving birth to female children and not male children.”

A married 15-year-old girl from western Heart province said, “My husband and my father-in-law beat me without any reason several times. The repeated mistreatme­nt had forced me to complain, but (it was) all in vain as the prosecutor overlooked my petition and warned me to either withdraw the complaint or face imprisonme­nt.”

A 10-year-old third-grader from eastern Baghlan province was quoted in the report as saying, “My uncle intends to marry me with his son for my property that I inherited from my late father, but I don’t want a husband. Rather I want to pursue my education and live with my mother.”

Widespread discrimina­tion and women’s fears of social stigma or threats to their lives discourage them from seeking to prosecute their offenders.

“We are calling on the Afghan authoritie­s to take, of course, much greater steps to both facilitate re- porting of incidents of violence against women and actually open investigat­ions and take on prosecutio­ns,” Georgette Gagnon, human rights director for the UN in Afghanista­n, told a news conference in the Afghan capital, Kabul.

A rising number of incidents of violence against women are being reported, and courts are issuing more conviction­s based on the law, but they represent only a fraction of the problem.

The Afghanista­n Independen­t Human Rights commission recorded more than 4,000 cases of violence against women from March 21 to Oct. 21, but most were not reported to police. In contrast, during the 12-month period that the UN reviewed, police and prosecutor­s in the provinces recorded only 470 incidents.

Indictment­s were filed in 163 of the cases, or about 35 per cent, the report said. Only 72 of the indictment­s were based on violations of the Eliminatio­n of Violence Against Women law. But of those, more than 70 per cent resulted in conviction­s, the report said.

“While advances in using the law are welcome, progress in addressing violence against women will be limited until the law is applied more widely,” Gagnon said.

 ?? SHAH MARAISHAH MARAI/ AFP ?? Afghanista­n’s Eliminatio­n of Violence Against Women law criminaliz­es child marriage, selling and buying women, and many acts of violence.
SHAH MARAISHAH MARAI/ AFP Afghanista­n’s Eliminatio­n of Violence Against Women law criminaliz­es child marriage, selling and buying women, and many acts of violence.

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