Montreal Gazette

Jean-françois Lisée fails to comfort


Re: “PQ minister softens hard line on bilinguali­sm” (Gazette, Dec. 11)

Thanks, Jean-François Lisée, for trying to reassure me and the rest of the anglo population that the Englishlan­guage is well protected by Bill 14 and the OQLF language police, but I’d still like to see this draft bill flushed away.

As Côte-St-Luc Mayor Anthony Housefathe­r pointedg out in his opinion piece published in The Gazette last week, the government takes a very narrow perspectiv­e on language by using “mother-tongue” rather than language used in the home or preferred language.

What’s the real reason for making political decisions based upon the language of one’s mother (and father), something that often doesn’t reflect the reality of the language spoken in one’s home today?

Most English-speaking Quebecers would hardly trust the OQLF to decide at what critical mass a municipali­ty or institutio­n would lose its bilingual status. Leave that decision to those affected. The current law leaves the bilingual status with the city council, just as it should. A few bilingual towns communicat­ing effectivel­y with their constituen­ts will have no important bearing on preserving the French language.

Enough with sugar coating the bitter pill of narrowmind­ed and mean-spirited policy. Glenn J. Nashen, Councillor, Côte-St-Luc

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