Montreal Gazette

Harper’s sensible decision

- L. IAN MACDONALD lianmacdon­

Usually, when the government puts out an announceme­nt at 5 o’clock on a Friday afternoon, it’d rather not talk about it and would prefer if you didn’t hear about it, much less care about it.

Such was not the case last Friday when, as markets closed, Industry Canada hosted a lockup for reporters on Ottawa’s decision on the friendly takeover bids of Nexen and Progress Energy Resources by Chinese and Malaysian state-owned enterprise­s (SOEs), respective­ly.

An hour later, the prime minister himself appeared on Parliament Hill to announce that while the government was approving these big deals, the takeover party was over for SOEs.

Or as Harper put it: “These decisions are not the beginning of a trend, but rather the end of a trend.”

And then, in what became the sound bite of the week: “To be blunt, Canadians have not spent years reducing the ownership of the economy by our own government­s only to see them bought and controlled by foreign government­s instead.”

Harper’s logic was impeccable. Why would Ottawa have sold off Petro-Canada, its own SOE in the oilpatch, only to allow the Chinese to take it over?

To be clear, Harper added that, going forward, the government would approve “the acquisitio­n of control of a Canadian oilsands business by a foreign state owned enterprise to be of net benefit (to Canada) only in exceptiona­l circumstan­ces.”

In other words, the oilsands are a strategic national resource. And they are not for sale. Or as Harper said: “When we say Canada is open for business, we do not mean that Canada is for sale to foreign government­s.”

Nothing prevents the Chinese from being investors in the oilsands, notably in joint ventures or through the stock market; they just can’t be owners in the future.

To be sure SOEs got the message, Harper said the threshold for foreign takeovers to meet the net-benefit test would rise to $1 billion over the next five years, but for SOEs, it would remain at $330 million.

Make no mistake, we need foreign investment to develop the oilsands, because we simply don’t have the capital to do it alone. The energy space has been a huge beneficiar­y of foreign direct investment under the Canada-U.S. Free Trade Agreement and liberalize­d rules of Investment Canada, created by the Mulroney government in 1985 to replace the Foreign Investment Review Act.

A study by BMO Economics concluded that U.S. direct investment in Canada “jumped from $76 billion at the end of 1988, to $326 billion by the end of 2011.” Half that investment, wrote BMO deputy chief economist Douglas Porter, has been in the energy and financial services sectors.

The Progress sale to Petronas is a good example of our need for foreign capital. The two companies are going to build a liquefied natural gas terminal in Prince Rupert, B.C., at a cost of $9 billion.

And while there won’t be any more Canadian oil companies selling themselves to the Chinese at a premium price, the energy index was actually up one per cent on the TSX on Monday, confoundin­g prediction­s oil stocks would take a hit.

In the meantime, Nexen shareholde­rs will receive a 61-per-cent premium to the stock price when the offer was announced at $27.50 per share. Progress shareholde­rs, at a sweetened offer of $22 per share, will receive a premium double the closing price when the deal was announced. This is only fair in terms of upholding the core corporate governance attribute of shareholde­r value.

While the government is changing the rules for SOEs after the game, at least it didn’t change them in the middle of the game, by turning down the two takeover bids on the grounds they didn’t meet the net benefit test.

That’s where the public was coming out on the Nexen deal — three Canadians in four in one poll were concerned about ownership of the resource. And as many as two in three in other polls were against the deal. And those opposed to the deal were probably a lot less concerned about CNOOC being an SOE than they were about it being a Chinese SOE. There was definitely Sinophobia in the air.

Harper has clearly worked hard on this file to achieve a balanced economic and political outcome. And it showed in his clean delivery of a crisp message.

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