Montreal Gazette

Oliver touts west-east pipeline as alternativ­e


SAINT JOHN, N.B. — The federal natural resources minister visited Canada’s largest oil refinery Tuesday in a bid to drum up support for the developmen­t of a pipeline to ship Alberta crude to Eastern Canada.

Joe Oliver toured the Irving Oil refinery in Saint John, N.B., before promoting the proposal in a speech to members of the city’s board of trade.

Oliver says constructi­on of the pipeline would be in the national interest, create jobs and stimulate investment in Atlantic Canada.

He says as the United States increases its own oil and gas production, Canada needs to diversify its oil export markets and the west-toeast pipeline would help that goal.

Irving Oil president Mike Ashar says the company wants to buy more oil from Alberta and would like to see the pipeline project become a reality.

It’s an idea that has gained currency in recent weeks with growing public opposition to pipelines that would ship Alberta crude to the West Coast, leading major pipeline operator Enbridge to suggest a pipeline proposal to send more western crude eastward.

Refineries in Eastern Canada would rather buy domestic oil than import it from overseas at a higher price.

Enbridge Inc. has submitted a regulatory applicatio­n for such a project and TransCanad­a Corp. intends to formally gauge shipper interest in its plan early next year.

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