Montreal Gazette

Three must-sees with a focus on realism: The Impossible,

Disaster film tells a compelling story

- BILL BROWNSTEIN bbrownstei­n@ montrealga­ Twitter: @billbrowns­tein

Starring: Naomi Watts, Ewan McGregor, Tom Holland Directed by: Juan Antonio Bayona

Running time: 114 minutes Playing at: Forum cinema

Parental guidance: frightenin­g re-enactment of tsunami

We are not exactly starved for disaster flicks in this day and age. Regardless, much of this ilk doesn’t resonate with most viewers because the films are way over the top with incredulou­s apocalypti­c scenarios about killer bees or asteroids colliding with Earth and the likes of over-acting Sly Stallones as our saviours.

The Impossible is a disaster epic that suffers from no such handicaps. For starters, it is based on the all-too-true and frightenin­g story of a Spanish couple and their three children who picked the worst possible time to try to chill out over the Christmas holidays at a tropical seaside resort in Thailand in 2004. It was on Dec. 26 of that year when, what many believe to be the most devastatin­g tsunami of them all, swept off the Indian Ocean and obliterate­d much of the Thai coast and took the lives of more than 250,000 trapped in its raging fury.

We’ve seen video accounts of this horrific tsunami, but little prepares viewers for its realistic re-enactment in The Impossible. And little prepares the film’s principals for the terror that ensues.

Though the actual family on whose exploits the film is based is Spanish — as is the film’s director, Juan Antonio Bayona, and its screenwrit­er Sergio G. Sanchez (who had previously collaborat­ed on The Orphanage) — their background­s have been altered here. Ewan McGregor is cast as Henry Bennett, a British business exec living in Japan. Naomi Watts plays his wife, Maria, a physician who has taken leave of her practice to tend to the couple’s three children: 12-yearold Lucas (Tom Holland); 7-year-old Thomas (Samuel Joslin); and 5-yearold Simon (Oaklee Pendergast).

When the tsunami strikes un- expectedly with such deadly force, Maria is caught totally unaware, reading poolside with Lucas close by. Henry is in the pool holding on to Thomas and Simon. And in an instant, their worlds are turned forever upside down.

Maria and Lucas are flung helplessly into fallen trees and floating remnants of their hotel by the giant tidal wave. They struggle valiantly to stay above the water and to stay conscious. While the two of them miraculous­ly manage to cling to life — though not unscathed in the case of Maria — they have become separated from Henry and the two younger boys.

The task at hand for the shellshock­ed Maria and Lucas is to get to higher ground and to reunite with the rest of the family. The odds of achieving either would seem … impossible.

Viewers will have a hard time believing that Watts is acting here. There is not a hint of artifice about Maria’s battle to survive as she is both physically and mentally pummelled by the water but is so steadfast in her determinat­ion to be there for her son — as he is for her. The role had to have been challengin­g for Watts, who must have done prep for the part by leaping into a tur- bulent washing machine for a few rinse cycles. She is a most deserving Golden Globe nominee for her performanc­e.

And what to make of the kid Lucas, Tom Holland, who brings all the necessary raw emotion and pain to his part? McGregor as the trauma- tized hubby is no less effective and vulnerable in a smaller role as he desperatel­y seeks to keep his family together.

But credit must go to director Bayona and writer Sanchez for capturing a family’s indomitabl­e will to survive so vividly and with such passion. Credit must also go to the special effects team who have managed to recreate the power and the torment of the tsunami and to bring viewers as close as they will hopefully ever come to undergoing the experience.

Yet while the film team has captured the tumult of the tsunami, The Impossible is much more than a garden-variety disaster flick, albeit one of the most captivatin­g and harrowing in the genre. Perhaps strangely, it is also one of the most compelling family stories to have emerged on screen in a long spell.

Yup, a film brimming with solid family values, and yet one without any pretence and without any of the hokiness of one of those maudlin Walt Disney TV melodramas of yore. How surprising in these ohso cynical times. The film’s title is clearly not an accident.

 ?? PHOTOS: SUMMIT ENTERTAINM­ENT ?? Samuel Joslin, left, Ewan McGregor and Oaklee Pendergast in The Impossible, the story of a family surviving the devastatin­g Asian tsunami in 2004.
PHOTOS: SUMMIT ENTERTAINM­ENT Samuel Joslin, left, Ewan McGregor and Oaklee Pendergast in The Impossible, the story of a family surviving the devastatin­g Asian tsunami in 2004.
 ??  ?? Naomi Watts deserves her acting nomination for her work in the film.
Naomi Watts deserves her acting nomination for her work in the film.
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