Montreal Gazette

Queen won’t get involved in Spence protest: letter

- Michael Woods contribute­d to this story NATALIE STECHYSON and TOBI COHEN

OTTAWA — The Queen is apparently staying out of it.

Concerns about Attawapisk­at Chief Theresa Spence’s protest fast should be directed to the federal cabinet and not to Queen Elizabeth II, says a letter to a Spence supporter, which appears to be from Buckingham Palace.

On Thursday night, however, Spence’s camp said it was dubious about the validity of the letter.

“We are questionin­g the authentici­ty of this letter,” Danny Metatawabi­n, Spence’s spokesman, said in a statement. “Who is this man that the letter is directed to? Chief Spence did not get a letter, let alone a hard-copy either to her attention or to the First Nations.”

The short letter, on palace letterhead, was addressed to Jonathan Francoeur and dated Jan. 7, 2013, but was only made public late Thursday.

“Her Majesty has taken careful note of the concern you express for the welfare of Attawapisk­at First Nations Chief Theresa Spence who is currently on a politicall­y motiv- ated hunger strike in Canada,” says the letter, under the name of Jennie Vine, Buckingham Palace deputy to the senior correspond­ence officer.

“Perhaps I might explain, however, that this is not a matter in which The Queen would intervene. As a constituti­onal Sovereign, Her Majesty acts through her personal representa­tive, the Governor General, on the advice of her Canadian ministers and, therefore, it is to them that your appeal should be directed.”

Francoeur, a small-business owner in Saanich, B.C., told Postmedia News he had written to the palace and received the correspond­ence in return. “I wanted to encourage a meeting between First Nations chiefs, the prime minister and the Governor General,” Francoeur said.

An official from the Buckingham Palace Press Office said in a phone interview the palace doesn’t publicly release private correspond­ence between the Queen and individual­s.

Spence has been on a liquid diet in the hopes of securing a joint meeting with Prime Minister Stephen Harper and Gov. Gen. David Johnston.

 ?? DAVID CHESKIN — WPA POOL/ GETTY IMAGES FILES ?? A letter, which appears to be from Buckingham Palace, says Queen Elizabeth will not intervene in First Nations’ Chief Theresa Spence’s liquid diet.
DAVID CHESKIN — WPA POOL/ GETTY IMAGES FILES A letter, which appears to be from Buckingham Palace, says Queen Elizabeth will not intervene in First Nations’ Chief Theresa Spence’s liquid diet.

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