Montreal Gazette

Teens need more education about relationsh­ips


Re: “Married to the single life” (Extra, Jan. 12)

While I agree in large measure with the analysis in Donna Nebenzahl’s article, there are some gaps that merit comment.

She writes: “The question is, has growing singleness come about because the chance of meeting someone has diminished … or is it the result of a choice …”

I would argue that there are other factors at play.

The decline of marriage may correlate with economic prosperity, but also comes from a culture of self-interest and selfabsorp­tion. There are often too many illusions, too much effort and focus on the wedding and not enough on the marriage.

Enduring relationsh­ips are rarely about “the chance of meeting the right someone” or finding “Mr. Right.” Relationsh­ips are complex and dynamic, and they require effort, resolve, understand­ing, acceptance and a willingnes­s to be creative to succeed.

For many of our young people, the two most important roles they will have in life will be as a parent and as someone’s partner. And we provide little preparatio­n for either.

But this isn’t rocket science. We can and should be teaching our kids in high school the knowledge and skills those roles call for: effective communicat­ion, empathy, conflict management and even about child developmen­t and parenting style.

We insist that just about all students learn algebra and trigonomet­ry, yet we shortchang­e them with a lack of education about relationsh­ips. The price we pay is divorce, acrimony, unhappy children and missed opportunit­ies to do better.

 ??  ?? Don Rosenbaum is a retired teacher and family life educator who
lives in Ormstown.
Don Rosenbaum is a retired teacher and family life educator who lives in Ormstown.

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