Montreal Gazette

Canada not ready for mercury light bulbs: report

Fears over chemical ending up in water


OTTAWA, ONT. — Canada’s mercury-waste facilities are either patchwork or non-existent as millions of light bulbs containing the highly toxic chemical are set to flood the marketplac­e.

That’s a key finding of a report commission­ed by Environmen­t Canada in the run-up to a major change in the way Canadians light their homes.

Beginning next January, a new regulation will effectivel­y ban the sale of standard incandesce­nt bulbs in favour of energy-efficient versions, most of which contain mercury.

So-called compact fluorescen­t lamps, or CFLs, will also enter the waste stream as they break or burn out, many destined for landfills where their harmful mercury can get into the water.

Environmen­t Canada says the mercury contained in a typical thermomete­r can contaminat­e five Olympic-size swimming pools to toxic levels.

Ironically, the ban on incandesce­nts is partly designed to reduce mercury in the environmen­t because old-style light bulbs are inefficien­t, and require more electricit­y from the burning of coal and other fossil fuels that can emit mercury into the air.

Environmen­talists applaud the ban for eliminatin­g far more fossilfuel mercury than the new bulbs add — but say Environmen­t Canada must also require the recycling or safe storage of broken CFLs.

“Currently municipali­ties do not store mercury — most of it ends up in landfill,” says a report commission­ed from Summerhill Impact, an environmen­tal firm in Toronto.

The Aug. 31 study also found no national or industry-wide standards for the handling of mercury waste.

There was “significan­t variabilit­y between regulation­s across the provinces, and … nearly all (mercury-handling) facilities … rely on these regulation­s as their main environmen­tal management guidelines, rather than industry standards.”

The study, which surveyed some 28 of the 123 places that store or manage mercury waste, also found Canada lacks any facility to extract pure mercury from waste, relying instead on mercury distillers in the United States.

The authors warn that with growing restrictio­ns on trans-border movements of mercury, such as a U.S. ban on pure mercury exports effective Jan. 1 this year, Canada may need to resolve pending storage issues.

“The sector is notably lacking distillati­on facilities that make mercury reuse possible,” says the report, which cost the department $47,000.

“This suggests that Canada may need to lay the groundwork for investigat­ing best practices for longer-term storage options for elemental mercury as export bans in other jurisdicti­ons such as the U.S. could negatively impact their demand for mercury waste from Canadian sources.”

A heavily censored copy of the 127-page report was obtained by The Canadian Press under the Access to Informatio­n Act.

The ban on incandesce­nt light bulbs was announced with fanfare by then-environmen­t minister John Baird in 2007, as the new Conservati­ve government was under pressure to take action on climate change.

The ban was to have come into effect starting Jan. 1, 2012, but was pushed back two years to “allay” the concerns of Canadian consumers.

As of Jan. 1 next year, 75- and 100-watt incandesce­nt bulbs will be effectivel­y eliminated from store shelves, with 40- and 60-watt versions to follow Dec. 31.

Canadian retailers have already begun to switch their stocks to CFLs from incandesce­nts to get ready.

Environmen­t Canada has proposed, but not yet enacted, regulation­s setting a maximum on the amount of mercury the new bulbs can contain. The new rules are expected to be published later this year, to come into effect one year later.

And a spokesman says the department will propose other regulation­s later this year that will make manufactur­ers and importers responsibl­e for managing the waste of their mercury-containing bulbs.

“It is anticipate­d that the proposed regulation­s would require manufactur­ers and importers of mercury-containing lamps to establish or join a program that would collect lamps and recover the mercury in an environmen­tally sound manner,” Mark Johnson said in an email.

 ?? POSTMEDIA NEWS FILE PHOTO ?? Compact fluorescen­t lamps contain mercury and will enter the waste stream as they break or burn out.
POSTMEDIA NEWS FILE PHOTO Compact fluorescen­t lamps contain mercury and will enter the waste stream as they break or burn out.

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