Montreal Gazette

Higher university tuition is necessary


Re: “University funding ap reaches $850 million” (Gazette, Jan. 16)

The lower tuition fees in Quebec are a major reason for the funding gap between universiti­es here and in other provinces.

The many months of student protests against the proposed tuition hike, Premier Pauline Marois’s win and the cancellati­on of the tuition hike thereafter didn’t solve anything!

The most reasonable solution to this problem is to increase university tuition. I am in Grade 9. Students who were protesting were not being realistic, in my opinion. You can’t freeze tuition for 20 years and expect to keep up with the quality of universiti­es across Canada.

Delaying the solution is not a solution.

It seems certain that ultimately, the tuition hike will happen. Shame on us that, instead of understand­ing the situation, we have to be babied through it.

Fayeza Ahmad


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