Montreal Gazette

An affair to finally remember

Danish deceit hidden for two centuries


“Something is rotten in the state of Denmark,” quotes citizen-physician Johann Friedrich Struensee in the opening act of A Royal Affair, essentiall­y foreshadow­ing the next 90 minutes of screen time.

“I don’t like that one,” responds King Christian VII. And you can’t blame him: He and Prince Hamlet share a little too much in common.

Considered unfit to rule by the Danish court, as well as other European leaders, Christian has largely ceded the affairs of state to the court and its religious leaders. He doesn’t seem to mind, either, because as long as he has a harlot with big breasts to fondle and a great big carriage to cruise in, Christian is content.

Yet, something really is rotten in the state of Denmark in the midst of the 18th century. Facing the bright gleam of the Enlightenm­ent as it spreads across Europe, Denmark has turned into the shadows of religious fear and fundamenta­lism.

Censorship, serfdom and personal repression are the central pillars of the current rule, but that’s before Christian and Struensee start up a friendship.

Enlisted to befriend and assess the unstable royal by progressiv­e members of the court who still want Christian in power, but in a more malleable state of mind, Dr. Struensee (Mads Mikkelsen) accomplish­es the task by trading the Bard’s dialogue with the drama-loving king (Mikkel Boe Følsgaard).

The two men become friends, with Struensee eventually becoming the king’s confidante.

At one point, the king even transfers signing authority over to Struensee, effectivel­y giving him complete legislativ­e powers.

It’s a decision that doesn’t sit well with the other, shadier members of the court, who inevitably start sharpening the shiv, waiting for just the right moment to pounce.

Such political deceit would have been more than enough to fuel a first-rate political thriller on its own, but truth is generally juicier than fiction, which means this factbased account of Johann Struensee’s effect on Danish society wouldn’t be complete without the sexy bits, too.

You see, Struensee didn’t just technicall­y usurp the throne. He displaced Christian from his matrimonia­l bed, enjoying a long-term af- fair with the queen, Caroline (Alicia Vikander).

For two centuries the story was considered too racy for popular consumptio­n and the whole Struensee narrative was underplaye­d or entirely removed from Danish history, yet thanks to Bodil Steensen-Leth’s novel and Arcel’s film, modern-day moviegoers can relive one of the most intellectu­ally explosive periods in human history as the revolution­ary idea of human autonomy and personal freedom began to shake the very foundation­s of European statehood.

Looking back from a modern perspectiv­e, Struensee is a revolution­ary hero. But from where the people of Denmark sat in the mid1700s, he was an interloper, a threat to national security and a danger to the nation’s collective morality.

It’s all high-drama and in the hands of director Arcel, every little knot in this detailed needlepoin­t is handled to period perfection, which no doubt accounts for its presence on this year’s list of Best Foreign Language Film nominees.

The key to his success is character. Despite the altered contexts, vastly different political realities and core belief systems, Arcel creates people we recognize as real.

Whether it’s the idea of a vulnerable young queen who finds her footing with a little reassuranc­e and courage from a worthy admirer, or the notion of a selfish, arrogant and entirely insecure king, we can feel the nooks and crannies of personalit­y in every scene.

In turn, we’re given an all-access pass to one of the more fascinatin­g standoffs in written history as Denmark crested the wave of revolution before the French even stormed the Bastille.

Yet the fluid mingling of monarchist power and personal freedoms was destined to curdle when it sidelined the church. Struensee seemed aware of the risks, yet persevered regardless, believing the people would stand behind their emancipato­r.

He is heroic, and tragic, and thanks to Mikkelsen’s razor-sharp performanc­e, Struensee also emerges as a complete human being.

Mikkelsen delivers one of the most complex and compelling male performanc­es of the year, ensuring A Royal Affair is a timely and altogether enlighteni­ng look at history.

 ?? MAGNOLIA PICTURES ?? Mads Mikkelsen, as Dr. Struensee, and Alicia Vikander, as Queen Caroline, in A Royal Affair.
MAGNOLIA PICTURES Mads Mikkelsen, as Dr. Struensee, and Alicia Vikander, as Queen Caroline, in A Royal Affair.

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