Montreal Gazette

PQ priorities and PQ threats


Re: “PQ’s priorities are misplaced” (Letters, Feb. 19)

Let’s face it, the results of the PQ’s misplaced priorities abound and they hurt us all. Our social services suffer and our infrastruc­ture is a disgrace.

We have watched like bystanders for three decades as the PQ squandered our tax money to further its separatist agenda. The repressive language laws and paralyzing taxes have served to “drive people away,” as Henry Aubin pointed out in his Feb. 19. column.

» By “ghettoize our community, ”T I hope Marcus Tabachnick isn’t just referring to anglophone­s. This destructiv­e agenda on the part of the PQ hurts all Quebecers, and it is time to put our support behind the opposition party that has the best hope of defeating the PQ. It’s time to speak up and support those who represent what is best for the future of this province. Christine McCurdy


We are hearing once gain separatist threats as well as about the ongoing nonsense regarding English versus French language signs in Quebec.

Most people in B.C. are so fed up with this ongoing nonsense we are saying “For heaven’s sake, separate, already!” However, when you do, be aware you will need your own monet- ary system and banks. You will need to have your own military, your own non-subsidized health system along with all the other amenities that other countries have.

Don’t think you will get a free ride from the rest of Canada. It ain’t going to happen, folks.

Don Harrison

Ladysmith, B.C.

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