Montreal Gazette

What makes you cry?


Once, when I was younger, I burned myself on my finger and it really hurt, so I cried. The next day, my mom’s friend’s son came over, and I was lying down on the couch, and the boy put his foot on my hand. It really hurt because he stood on my finger that was burned. Rania Salah,

Grade 5, Greendale Elementary

When a friend or someone in my family cries, I start to cry. Mostly when my mom cries, I usually cry also. When I go to another place, like Pakistan, and when I come back, I cry. Affaf Saleem,

Grade 5, Greendale Elementary

A time when I was crying was when I was in Grade 2 and I was playing a game. I walked into a fence because my eyes were closed. My eyebrow on the left was bleeding and I needed stitches. It hurt very, very much. Shemariah St-Louis,

Grade 5, Greendale Elementary

I love I cry animals. when an Once, animal my dies rabbit because had babies bit didn’t but know they how died to because feed them. my rabJulie Waterhouse, Grade 2, Coronation Elementary School

or I hurts cry when my my feelings. friend I says cry when to get out my friend does not play with me. I cry when a friend does not say sorry. Josh Dado,

Grade 2, Coronation Elementary School

I cry when I think my mom and dad are gone. I also cry when I am lost. Afua Washington,

Grade 2, Coronation Elementary School

I cried when I found out that my cat was lost. She has been lost since this summer. Her name is JLo. I miss her a lot. I am sad. Mischa Arancibia,

Grade 2, General Vanier Elementary

I cry with joy when I get something that I want. At Christmas, I wanted an iPod. And then I got an iPod. I cried with joy. Crying for joy is much better than crying. Julia Pulice,

Grade 2, General Vanier Elementary

Personally, I’m not much of a crier. Of course, now and then if I don’t get what I want, I cry. It was just recently I started crying more often. It was my grandfathe­r’s funeral. We went to church and right there I started crying. I thought about all the good memories we had. Lauryn Santiago,

Grade 5, St. Charles Elementary

There are a lot of things that make me cry. The two things that make me cry are when I get a bad mark on a test or when someone in my family passes away. I don’t cry when I get hurt because I have to act like a man. Another sad scene for me was when my hockey team lost to go to the finals. Anthony Bonta,

Grade 5, St. Charles Elementary

When I cry, it’s usually because I lost something I love and because I’ve done something wrong. For example, I lost my favourite teddy bear last week because I brought it to school for show and tell. So make sure that after you’re done with something you put it away right away. Emma Marie Mazzone,

Grade 4, Our Lady of Peace Elementary School

What makes me cry is when I’m going to a funeral because you lose someone in your family. Like me, I lost my grandfathe­r because of his eighth heart attack. Frédérick Malenfant,

Grade 6, Notre-Dame Elementary School

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