Montreal Gazette

Degrees advance nursing profession


Re: “Do nurses really benefit from a university education?” (Letters, April 10)

Indeed, as Nathan Friedland writes, a “good nurse comes from the true desire to help people,” but this help can only be developed through higher education. The task orientatio­n of the CEGEP-trained nurse as a highly skilled trade is important, but only part of the picture.

Nursing is an art and a science and, like any profession, must begin with a baccalaure­ate degree. This involves critical thinking, scientific investigat­ion and the preparatio­n of research-based practice. Nursing (some times called the oldest of the arts and the youngest of the profession­s) as an art is active, dynamic and developing and, in the words of Florence Nightingal­e, “the finest of the fine arts.”

Becoming a profession has a long tortuous history, and the entrance to the profession at the baccalaure­ate level is yet another important step in our evolution.

E. Moira Edwards


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