Montreal Gazette

Contraband tobacco hurts convenienc­e stores


Re: Tobacco trade lights fire in Mohawk economy (Extra, April 13)

The article highlighte­d the significan­t role that contraband tobacco plays in some First Nations communitie­s.

But as much as the illegal tobacco trade may “light a fire” for some groups, it extinguish­es small business owners who sell legal tobacco products, including Canada’s 23,000 convenienc­e stores.

For years, the Canadian Convenienc­e Store Associatio­n has been raising awareness about the significan­t consequenc­es posed by contraband tobacco.

To be clear, we do not take issue with cigarettes that are sold onreserve. Our opposition to this trade is when these products are taken and sold off-reserve in communitie­s across Canada.

Our retailers are hurt by lost revenue as they cannot compete with those selling a cheap alternativ­e to their legal product.

Not only are there fewer profits for small business, there’s a loss in government revenue, as contraband cigarettes are sold without taxes. This results in billions of dollars in lost annual revenue for both the provincial and federal government­s.

Contraband’s financial impacts are also matched by social consequenc­es.

The RCMP estimates that over 70 organized crime groups are involved in the illegal tobacco trade, often leading to the trade of other illicit products including drugs and guns. As contraband tobacco is sold without age-verificati­on, the probabilit­y of youth access to tobacco increases exponentia­lly. The involvemen­t of organized crime and the allure for youth poses a serious problem for community safety — both on and off reserves.

Contraband tobacco is a complex problem, and it cannot be solved overnight.

Ultimately all parties that are impacted by this trade must come to the table with the goal of developing a collaborat­ive, long-term solution to this persistent problem.

Alex Scholten

President, Canadian Convenienc­e

Stores Associatio­n

Fredericto­n, N.B.

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