Montreal Gazette

Jackman’s donation

“Jackman gift didn’t deserve headlines” (Letters, Aug. 27):


Yes it should be reported, it was a enerous donation for a good cause. Just some people have nothing better to do with their miserable lives than complain.

Jana-Audrey Element

Don’t even understand why The Gazette even printed this ridiculous letter. Thank you Hugh Jackman for your generous gift. We need all the help we can get to help our hospitals since our government is doing such a lousy job to begin with. This is what should have been discussed, embarrassi­ng Marois and the PQ would have been a greater idea!

Luba Pankiw Lallouz

It was definitely a good idea to publish this story. At the same time, it probably would be a good idea to publish other, similar gifts made by “ordinary” people. A lot of people have given tons of money to hospitals, schools, etc., without any recognitio­n.

Ravi Gupta

It is good that he made the donation and that The Gazette reported it. It brings attention to Children’s Hospital, and I hope it encourages others to donate.

Mark Hammond

I think it was a classy move and very generous. How many actors film movies in our city and do not make any donations or a difference? It’s sad that his simple kind gesture had to be dissected by so many. I’ll bet he’ll be more discreet about his donations in the future.

Valerie Damoulis

I think you guys did good to report it. It’s always nice when someone that doesn’t have to do something, especially a “Hollywood type” does something good for the city they are temporaril­y living in. Also, who thought that a $10,000 donation to a children’s hospital should not be reported on?

Marie Pierre Guerin

For all you haters out there: First try to calculate the amount this man gives to other hospitals and charities. He did not have to give to a Canadian hospital. I think it was very generous and very kind. And all the naysayers, go make a donation to a children’s hospital in Australia. My great grandmothe­r always said people could be in heaven sucking on oranges and still looking for sugar.

Sherry McIlroy

Everything that Hugh Jackman does should be reported!

Patricia Guevara Castañeda

It certainly was an item that should have been publicized. We need more GOOD NEWS STORIES!!! Thanks to Mr. Jackman for his generosity.

Mary Tucker

It’s better than hearing about Robin Thicke and Miley Cyrus.

Mustansar Sonny Chaudhry

This is what people are arguing about while we have a nuclear plant in meltdown in Japan that is already killing people globally and another war that was planned years ago about to start in Syria — wake up, sheep.

Victoria Rose Sherry

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