Montreal Gazette

Maria Mourani takes a stand


Ousted Bloc MP Maria Mourani wonders who will defend her identity.

I say to her that Canada will. She need not be concerned because the Canadian Charter of Rights will protect her beliefs. Unlike Quebec, which regularly tramples on people’s rights, Canada accepts all beliefs and tolerates all minorities.

Although I do not know what made her become a sovereigni­st, she came to Canada, a country who tolerates the fact that she became a sovereigni­st because she had the right to. So Ms. Mourani need not be concerned, we will accept her the way she is.

Oh what a rotten country Canada is! John Roveto Roxboro

So, MP Maria Mourani feels sufficient­ly outraged to make a stand against obvious intoleranc­e of the proposed Charter of Values.

Well, now that allophones are taking a stand, perhaps there will be some benefit for the anglophone­s who have struggled against quasi-persecutio­n in the name of language preservati­on. Now that the immigrant population is all lathered up, perhaps some hope of peace and tolerance can be expected after all these years of political division.

What I don’t understand in her case is how a person who is received in this country under a Canadian flag chooses to join a separatist party whose prime goal is separation from the host country, whose very goal is divisive and anti-anglo. Now the shoe is on the other foot and it is finally generating a reaction.

Let’s hope the debate will instill a greater degree of tolerance toward all cultures, toward people who contribute to the growth and diversity of our country and province. Carole Hudon


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